
1 1/4 Front squat + front squat

Build to a moderate-heavy set of 3 reps on the 1 1/4 front squat.

Then take the same weight and perform 1-2 sets of 4-6 regular front squats with a 20×1 tempo

10 reps of active hang & shoulder flexion drills between sets.


Be sure to use control on the 1 1/4 front squat. Descend into the very bottom of your front squat, smoothly reverse direction without bouncing and ascend to a couple inches above parallel before descending to the bottom again. Then smoothly transition out of the bottom and stand all the way up to extension of the knees and hips.

Do not bounce out of the bottom at any point. Instead, lower with control and smoothly transition out of the bottom on each rep (and each 1/4 rep).

Once you have found your top weight on the 1 1/4 front squat you will use the same weight to perform 1-2 sets of 4-6 reps at a 20×1 tempo. You may use a little stretch reflex as you rebound out of the bottom on these.

In between sets of squats do the active hang drill and the shoulder flexion drill. If you have time you can perform both, or you can alternate which drill you do after each set of squats.

For the active hang drill perform 10 reps of :03 active hang and :02 passive hang.

For the shoulder flexion drill keep some posterior pelvic tilt engagement to prevent arching of the low back. Lower your chest towards the floor for 3 seconds, then relax up for 1 second. Perform 10 reps. You should feel a stretch in the thoracic spine and maybe the lats. If you feel pinching in the shoulders, try elevating or depressing the scaps or rotating the elbows down. If this does not fix anything you may sub a downward dog stretch instead.


4 sets

250-300 m row
15 DB thrusters

1:30 rest


Today’s workout is 4 intervals of rowing and dumbbell thrusters. You will rest for 1:30 in between each interval, and keep track of your own rest across the workout. Your score is the slowest interval.

These intervals are designed to be relatively fast. If your 500 m row split is going to be slower than 2:10 consider rowing closer to 200-250 m.

Your dumbbells should be light. Your cycle speed should be fast and the goal is to hang on unbroken throughout the 4 sets. Remember to show control of the dumbbells at the top of each rep.