
Turkish Get Ups
Accumulate 8-12 reps per side with a moderately challenging weight

Then, 2-3 rounds without resting

Single arm dumbbell bench in hollow x 8-12 reps/side
Forward fold with shoulder extension 5 reps + :05-:15 hold on last rep
Dip or pushup support position hold x :30-:60


Use a light dumbbell for the single arm DB bench in hollow. This is meant to challenge your hollow hold more than your pressing strength. You are trying to avoid letting the unilateral loading affect the hollow position. Ensure you start with whatever hollow position you are able to maintain throughout the set.

To make the forward fold with shoulder extension more challenging you can bring the hands closer together. You can also experiment with both pronating and supinating the hands.

Ensure you are maintaining a full lockout of the elbow and active shoulders in the support hold. Opt for the dip variation if you can. Use the pushup variation if you are unable to get at least :30 in the dip support position


For time

30 KB swings
50-60 calories
150 double unders
50-60 cals
30 KB swings

12 minute time cap


The workout today is a pyramid chipper of calories, KB front rack reverse lunges, and double unders. Your score is the time it takes you to complete the workout or the the reps completed at the 12 minute time cap.

Your kettlebells should be moderately heavy, but you should still aim to complete the swings in 1-2 sets.

Calories should take no longer than 3:30. If this is an unsustainable pace for this workout, you can lower the number of calories to 40-50. Double unders should take no longer than 2:00. You may lower the number of double unders or go to singles.