Snatch High Pull + Power Snatch (pos. 2) + Power Snatch + Overhead squat (OHS) from pause
*Pause for :03 in the receiving position on each power snatch.
Spend about 15 minutes working on this complex. You can perform multiple working sets at the same weight, or build up across your working sets towards a heavy weight for the day. Try to avoid missing reps.
If you finish with extra time remaining you can do additional power snatch + OHS singles at your working weight or slightly less.
50 burpees
100 double unders
30 wall balls
20 toe to bar
Today’s workout is an AMRAP of burpees, double unders, wall balls, and toe to bar. Your score will be the rounds and reps completed in 10 minutes.
Burpees should be done at a pace of at least 12/minute. If this sounds like an aggressive pace, consider lowering the burpees to 40.
Double unders should take no longer than 1:20. You may lower the number of double unders or substitute single unders.
Your wall ball weight should be light enough to allow 30 reps to be completed in no more than 2 sets. Remember, you are probably only doing one set of wall balls in the 10 minutes.
Toe to bar should be done in no more than 3-4 sets. You may substitute hanging knee raises, V-ups, or sit ups.