
4 Rounds not for time

  • 8/arm Alternating Arm Bench Press (hold nonworking side at lockout)
  • 8/arm Dumbbell Row
  • :30 Side Plank per side


Today’s strength is four rounds of dumbbell bench, dumbbell rows, and side planks. You will alternate between the movements for four rounds, taking about :30-1:00 rest between exercises.

The alternating arm dumbbell bench press is performed by alternating arms each rep. One arm will hold the a dumbbell at the top with a strong lockout while the other performs the bench press rep. Then the arm that just did the rep holds the top while the other arm performs the rep. Choose a challenging weight that still allows you to maintain a strong lockout throughout. Aim to use slightly more weight than last week.

The dumbbell rows should be done with a heavy weight that allows you to maintain control and a full range of motion each rep. Aim to use slightly more weight than last week.

The side planks may be done from your elbow or supported on your hand. Keep your legs, butt, and belly tight throughout the hold.


5 Rounds

In 2:30:

  • Run 400m
  • Max strict pull ups

Rest 1:00


Today’s conditioning is 5 rounds of running and strict pull ups. Your score is the total number of strict pull ups completed across the 5 rounds. Keep track of your score each round and SugarWOD will total it up.

The runs should take no longer than 2:00 to complete. Adjust the distance accordingly. You want at least :30 to work on the pull ups.

The minimum number of strict pull ups we would like to see is 6. If you cannot complete at least 6 reps in about :30, substitute ring rows or perform a combination of strict pull ups and ring rows.