Every minute on the minute for 10:00:
- Minute 1 – :20 of Front Squats @ 40X0
- Minute 2 – :20 Hollow Hold
Today’s strength is front squats and hollow holds. At the top of each minute you will work for :20 and then rest the remainder of the minute.
The front squats will be performed with a :04 descent and no pause at the top or bottom. At this tempo you will have time for about 4 reps at that tempo. Choose a weight that allows you to complete 4 unbroken reps across 5 rounds.
The priority during the hollow hold is keeping your lower back in contact with the ground. You may tuck one or both legs in, or bring your arms to your sides as needed.
At 0:00, complete for time:
- 40 Wall Balls
- 20 Power Cleans
- 300m Run
At 8:00, complete for time:
- 300m Run
- 20 Power Cleans
- 40 Wall Balls
Today’s workout is 2 sets of wall balls, power cleans, and running. You will have two separate scores for this workout. Your time to complete each set.
The wall balls should be completed in no more than 2 sets. Adjust the weight accordingly. If you do not have a wall ball, you may substitute light thrusters or jump squats.
The power cleans should be completed at a moderate weight. If you are using a barbell or odd object, they should be done in quick singles. If you are using dumbbells or kettlebells, they should be completed in 2-3 sets.
The run should take no longer than 2:00 to complete. Adjust the distance accordingly.
At Home Endurance
Bike Erg / Row / Assault Bike
5:00 easy warm up
4 Sets
2:00 moderate
1:00 easy
1:30 fast
1:00 easy
:30 sprint
2:00 rest
5:00 Cool down
Pacing Guidelines
Bike Erg | Rower | Assault Bike |
Easy: 65-75 RPM Moderate: 75-85 RPM Fast: 85-95 RPM Sprint: 95+ RPM |
Easy: 2k +:25 Moderate: 2k+:10-15 Fast: 2k Sprint: 2k – :05+ |
Easy: 45-55 RPM Moderate: 55-70 RPM Fast: 60-75 RPM Sprint: 70+ RPM |