With a partner, one person working at a time, at 0:00 complete:
- 80m Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge (35/50)
- 80 Power Cleans (105/155)
- 80m Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge
At 18:00, complete:
- 70/50 Calories
- 150 Air Squats
- 70/50 Calories
12:00 time cap on both workouts
Conditioning Notes
Today’s workout consists of two task priorities to be completed with a partner. Throughout the workout, only one athlete will be working at a time.
For the lunges, choose a weight that allows you to complete 10m relatively quickly. You may switch whenever you like, but we recommend switching every 10m.
Choose a weight on the power cleans that allows you to complete small touch-and-go sets or very quick singles. You may switch athletes whenever you like, but as a team, you should be able to complete at least 10 reps each minute. If not, lower the weight.
The calories should take 4:00 or less. Adjust the number as necessary. You may use any machine you’d like, but both partners must use the same machine.
You must switch every 15 reps on the air squats.