*Scheduling Note*

Tuesday 12/27 – Friday 12/30:

  • 0615 CrossFit
  • 0715 Open Gym
  • 0900 CrossFit
  • 1000 Open Gym
  • 1130 CrossFit
  • 1430 Open Gym
  • 1700 CrossFit

*Barbell will be cancelled this week

All other days will be scheduled normally.


4 Sets

  • 6-8 Dips @ 21X1
  • 6-8/arm Rows @ 21X1


Today’s strength is dips and rows. You will alternate between the two exercises for 4 working sets, resting for 1-2 minutes between exercises.

The dips will be performed with a :02 negative, :01 pause in the bottom, and :01 pause at the top. Find a difficulty that allows you to hold the tempo for all 8 reps across all 4 sets. If you are successful, the following week you will increase the difficulty by adding weight, decreasing band resistance, etc. You may also substitute push ups if you are not yet ready for dips.

The same idea applies to the rows. If you successfully complete 8 reps across all working sets, add weight the following week.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 18:00:

  • 20-40-60-80-100 Double Unders
  • 10-20-30-40-50 Calories
  • 5-10-15-20-25 Burpees to plate (2″)


Today’s workout is 18-minutes of double unders, calories, and burpees. You will start with 20 double unders and add 20 reps each round until you get to the round of 100, 10 calories and add 10 each round until you get to the round of 50, and 5 burpees and add 5 each round until you get to the round of 25. If you finish the round of 100 double unders, 50 calories, and 25 burpees, you will start back at 20 double unders. Your score is the number of reps completed in 18-minutes.

The double unders should not take longer than :20 for the round of 20 and each subsequent round should take no more than an extra :20. Adjust the number of reps or substitute single unders.

The calories should not take longer than :40 for the round of 10 and each subsequent round should not take more than an extra :40. Adjust the number or add fewer calories each round.

Burpees to a plate means that you will either jump or step on top of a bumper plate (no bigger than a 15#) after you come up from each burpee. The set of 5 should not take longer than :25 and each subsequent round should not take more than an extra :25.