*Scheduling Note* 

We are hosting a fundraiser for the DESSO Foundation at the gym on Saturday (8/19) from 0700-0900. As such, our 0830-1000 Open Gym is cancelled.

You can read about the fundraiser here, or see our recent newsletter.


1A) Pause Dip + Pause Catch Push Jerk

  • 4 x 3, building

You will pause 2 seconds in the bottom of your dip, drive from the pause and pause again 2 seconds in the receiving position before standing to full extension.

1B) Supinated Grip Pull Ups

  • 4 x 5-7 @ 31X1


4 Rounds

In 3:00, complete:

  • 400m Run
  • Amrap strict handstand push ups in remaining time

Rest 1:00

Fitness substitute max dumbbell push press (35/25).