Strength and Mobility

3-4 rounds

z press db @ 21×1 x 8-10
seal row @ 21×1 x 8-10
diagonal stretch x10 + :10/side


Two rounds for time

20-25 calories
20 lateral burpees over the bar
15 power clean and jerk
4 minutes rest

15 minute cap


Today’s workout is two rounds of 20-25 calories, 20 lateral burpees over the bar, and 15 power clean and jerks. You rest 4 minutes between rounds. Your score is the time to complete the workout or the amount of work completed at the 15 minute cap if you do not finish.

Your calories shouldn’t take much more than about :90. Reduce the range if necessary.

Try to keep a smooth pace on the burpees. If you can’t finish in under 2 minutes then consider reducing the amount.

The power clean and jerks should be a moderate weight, completed in singles.