
Build to a heavy set of 1+2

Then do a couple clean singles at ~10% lighter weight

then do 2-3 sets of 3-4 heavy clean pulls


If possible you should be going a little heavier than last week since you can now squat clean the weight instead of power clean. You should not be missing any reps.

For the clean pulls, find a weight that is challenging but doesn’t result in any technical or postural breakdown. Use the same weight for all of your sets and aim for 4 reps on each set. If you were here last week aim to use slightly more weight.

Spend about 10-12 minutes on the cleans, and about 5 minutes on the pulls.


4 rounds for time

50ft db front rack walking lunge
5 devil press
5 shuttle runs
5 renegade rows

12 minute cap


Today’s workout is 4 rounds of lunges, devil press, shuttle runs, and renegade rows. Your score is the time to complete the 4 rounds or the amount of rounds and reps completed before the 12 minute time cap if you do not finish.

You will use a single set of dumbbells for the lunges, devil presses, and renegade rows. Try to pick a weight that allows you to complete each movement unbroken.

Your renegade rows will be one row per arm plus a pushup. So left arm row, right arm row, pushup

Your shuttle runs shouldn’t take longer than 40 seconds. Decrease to 4 reps if you need to.