
Box Squat

2 sets of 5 at last week’s weight or slightly heavier
2 sets of 3 at 5-10% heavier


Use a box height that puts you right at parallel (hip crease even with top of knee). Do not build to a weight that you think you may fail, as it is much harder to bail out of a failed box squat than out of a free squat. Be sure to sit back onto the box with control and avoid crashing to the box. Sit your weight onto the box for a split second, then move explosively as you stand up off of the box.

If you were not here for this last week, find a working but submaximal weight for your sets of 5. This should feel like you could have completed 7-8 reps without any degradation of technique. Increase by about 5-10% for your sets of 3

For the [shoulder extension scap pull ups ]( the tempo means that you should fully relax in the bottom for 2 seconds, fully protract for 2 seconds, and move smoothly with control as you transition between positions.



30 wall balls
20 calories
10 box jump overs
5 wall walks


Todays workout is a 12 minute AMRAP of wall balls, calories, box jump overs, and wall walks. You will complete as many rounds and reps as possible in the 12 minute window.

The wall balls should be completed in about 2 sets each round.

The calories shouldn’t take much more than 1:15. You may reduce the amount if necessary.

Choose a safe height for the box that allows you to move smoothly through the 10 reps with no risk of missing. Be mindful that your legs will be tired after the wall balls and calories, so jump a little harder than you might think you should for the first rep.

The wall walks should take no more than a minute. Decrease the reps or the range of motion as necessary.