
With a partner OPWAAT

7 min AMRAP
500m Row
40 db box step up

3 min rest

7 min AMRAP
1k bike
50 alternating arm db snatch

3 min rest

7 min AMRAP
20 shuttle runs
15 sandbag cleans


Today’s workout will be done with a partner, with one person working at a time. You will before 3 separate 7 minute AMRAPs: rowing and step ups, biking and dumbbell snatches, and shuttle runs and sandbag cleans. You will rest 3 minutes between each AMRAP. Your score is the amount of rounds and reps completed across the entire workout.

Switch often on the ergs and running to allow for a relatively quick pace throughout. None of these pieces (rowing, biking, running) should take more than 2:30 on a given round. Consider doing about :30-:45 of work before switching with your partner.

Use the same single dumbbell for the snatches and the step ups. Determine the weight based on whichever movement will be more challenging for you. Again, keep the sets relatively small here, maybe about 4-6 at a time on the step ups and 12 at a time on the snatch.

Pick a weight on the sandbag clean that allows you to do a rep every 5-8 seconds. You can switch with your partner as often as every rep if you’d like.