
With a Partner

Spend 9 minutes building to a heavy power snatch

Rest 3 minutes then…

AMRAP 9, Alternating Full Rounds

Shuttle runs x 5
Pull ups x 8

Rest 3 minutes then…

AMRAP 6, Alternating Full Rounds
Shuttle sprints x 3
Kettlebell swings x 15


You will be working with a partner today completing 3 different workouts, with 3 minutes of rest between each workout. You will start by spending 9 minutes building to a heavy power snatch (both partners). You will then rest 3 minutes before completing a 9 minute AMRAP of shuttle runs and pull ups. After another 3 minutes of rest you will finish with a 6 minute AMRAP of shuttle runs and kettlebell swings. You will have two scores for the workout: Your combined weight on the power snatch, as well as your teams total rounds and reps completed on both AMRAPS

Your score for the snatch is the combined weight of each partner’s heaviest successful lift. You will work on a single barbell and take turns with your partner, changing weight and resting as necessary. If you miss a rep then you are done building and your last made lift is your score. The lift must be off of the ground by end of the 9 minutes for it to count. Put all barbells and weights away during the rest.

On the AMRAPs, partner 1 will perform an entire round while partner 2 rests. You will alternate full rounds in this fashion for the duration of each AMRAP.

On the 9 minute AMRAP The shuttle runs should be completed in less than :40. Decrease to 4 reps if necessary.

Choose a pullup variation that allows you to complete 8 reps in 1 or 2 quick sets. You may substitute ring rows or banded pull ups.

On the 6 minute AMRAP your shuttle runs should be completed in less than :20. Decrease to 2 reps if necessary. These can be done at a higher intensity. However, prioritize safety and sound mechanics. The key is changing direction quickly and efficiently, rather than trying to reach absolute top speed.

Your kettlebell swings should be done at least to the Solidarity standard of getting the bell above your eyeline. You may also go American-style if you prefer. Choose a weight that will allow you to go unbroken throughout.