
Box Squat

Build to a heavy set of 5 (RPE 8-9)
then do two drop sets of 5 reps at 15% less weight

Shoulder Extension Scap Pull Up x 5 @ 2222 tempo between working sets


Use a box height that puts you right at parallel (hip crease even with top of knee). RPE 8-9 means you should feel like you had another couple reps in the tank at the end of your set. Do not build to a weight that you think you may fail, as it is much harder to bail out of a failed box squat than out of a free squat. Be sure to sit back onto the box with control and avoid crashing to the box. Sit your weight onto the box for a split second, then move explosively as you stand up off of the box.

For the shoulder extension scap pull ups the tempo means that you should fully relax in the bottom for 2 seconds, fully protract for 2 seconds, and move smoothly with control as you transition between positions.


120-150 calories for time

EMOM 12:
6 wall balls


The workout today is 120-150 calories for time, while performing 6 wall balls every minute on the minute. Your score is the time it takes to complete the calories, or the amount of calories completed at the end of the 12 minute clock. If you reach your target amount of calories the workout is over and you do not need to continue performing wall balls.

Pick a weight for the wall balls that allows you remain unbroken, while still getting at least 10-12 calories per round on the machine. If you think this pace will not be attainable, consider waiting until the 1 minute mark for your fist set of wall balls, instead of starting the workout with them.

Try to avoid wasting time as you transition on and off of your machine.