Deadlift @ 20X1
4 sets of 8-10 reps with :90 of active rest between sets
Today’s strength is deadlifts. You will complete 4 working sets of 8-10 reps. Every rep will be performed touch-and-go style. This means you will have a :02 negative, a light tap against the ground before exploding up, and :01 pause at lockout. You will use the same weight for all working sets. The goal is to complete 10 reps at the prescribed tempo for all 4 working sets. If you accomplish that, the following week you will use a slightly heavier weight. Here is an example of how this could look in practice:
Week 1: 100×10, 100×10, 100×10, 100×9
Week 2: 100×10, 100×10, 100×10, 100×10
Week 3: 105×10, 105×10, 105×10, 105×10
Week 4: 110×9, 110×9, 110×9, 110×9
The time between sets will also be controlled. We will take :90 seconds of active rest between sets. To make the rest active, simply walk around the room or bike at an easy pace for :90 seconds until it is time for you to lift again. If you are partnered with someone using a different weight, you can count the time it takes to change weights toward your active rest.
1 – 12-15 calories
2 – 15 wall balls
3 – 20 ab mat sit ups
4 – 50 double unders
Today’s metcon is an EMOM. It will last 16 minutes and you will complete 4 total rounds of calories, wall balls, ab mat sit ups, and double unders.
The calories should be completed in no more than :45. Adjust the number of calories as necessary.
Choose a weight for your wall balls that allows you stay unbroken throughout the EMOM.
The ab mat sit ups should be done at a steady pace with no breaks. Keep in mind this will be 80 ab-mat sit ups in total. If this sounds like an aggresive amount, decrease the number of sit ups per round to 12-15.
Double unders should take no longer than :40. You can either decrease the number of double unders or do single unders.