Teams of 3, one person on the machine, two people working on the chipper
*150-180 calories*
90 goblet squat with the DB
90 box step overs
90 single arm DB thrusters
90 burpees over the DB
*30 min cap*
Today’s team workout is calories and a chipper of goblet squats, toe to bar, single arm DB thrusters, and burpees over the DB. One person will be on the machine at all times, while the other two teammates will be working through the chipper, opwaat (one person working at a time) style.
You may rotate on the machine as much as you want, and split the chipper however you’d like. If your team finishes the calories before the chipper, all three may move to work on the chipper. If your team finishes the chipper before the calories, all three may move to work through the calories (though you will do so by rotating on and off the machine).
The DB weight should be light-moderate so that you can do sets 10 or more for the goblet squat and sets of of 8-10 for the DB thrusters. Be sure to do an even amount of thrusters one each arm. So if you do sets of 10, perform 5 on the right and 5 on the left. The DB box step overs should be done in small sets of about 5 reps. You may hold the DB however you want.