1 – 12-15 calories
2 – :30 sandbag hold
3 – 8-10 KB snatch
Today’s workout is a 24 minute EMOM with calories, sandbag hold, and kettlebell clean and jerks. You will start a new movement at the top of each minute, and rest the remainder of the minute. This means you will complete 8 rounds total through all of the movements.
The calories should take no longer than :45. Adjust the amount of if necessary.
The sandbag should be a moderate weight that allows you to hold the sandbag at chest height for the entire :30 unbroken. If the 50# sandbag is too heavy for this, sub for a KB front rack or goblet hold.
Choose a kettlebell weight that will allow you to move through the reps unbroken, and at a moderate heart rate.
The goal of this EMOM is to get a good sweat in, but not be fatigued for the Open workout tomorrow!