
Deadlift @20×1

4 sets of 8-10 reps with :90 of active rest between sets


Today’s strength is deadlifts. You will complete 4 working sets of 8-10 reps. Every rep will be performed touch-and-go style. This means you will have a :02 negative, a light tap against the ground before exploding up, and :01 pause at lockout. You will use the same weight for all working sets. The goal is to complete 10 reps at the prescribed tempo for all 4 working sets. If you accomplish that, the following week you will use a slightly heavier weight. Here is an example of how this could look in practice:

Week 1: 100×10, 100×10, 100×10, 100×9
Week 2: 100×10, 100×10, 100×10, 100×10
Week 3: 105×10, 105×10, 105×10, 105×10
Week 4: 110×9, 110×9, 110×9, 110×9

The time between sets will also be controlled. We will take :90 seconds of active rest between sets. To make the rest active, simply walk around the room or bike at an easy pace for :90 seconds until it is time for you to lift again. If you are partnered with someone using a different weight, you can count the time it takes to change weights toward your active rest.



hang power clean
burpees over the bar
Rest 2:00
For time (back down the ladder)
hang power cleans
burpees over the bar
*cap 7 minutes*


Today’s metcon is two ladders of hang power cleans and burpees over the bar. At 3-2-1 go, you will complete 5 hang power cleans then 5 burpees over the bar. You will then do 10 hang power cleans and 10 burpees over the bar, and continue increasing by 5 reps each for 5 minutes. Your score is total reps completed.

After the 2:00 rest, you will complete a descending ladder of hang power cleans and burpees over the bar. You will start with round you finished on in the first ladder. So if you finished the round of 20 in Part 1, then you will start with 20 hang power cleans followed by 20 burpees over the bar, move on to 15 hang power cleans, 15 burpees over the bar…all the way down to 5 hang power cleans and 5 burpees over the bar. If you did not completely finish a round in Part 1, you will still start there in Part 2. For example, if you finished 8 burpees in the round of 15 in Part 1, you will start with 15 hang power cleans in Part 2.

Your score for Part 2 is the total time to complete the descending ladder.

The hang power cleans should be a light-moderate weight that you can do at least 10 unbroken reps with.

Lower the number of burpees by 1-3 reps if you cannot move at a pace of 12 burpees per minute.