Every 4:00 x 6 rounds:
Rounds 1-3:
- 200m Run
- 10 Deadlifts
- 10 Box Jumps (step down)
Rounds 4-6:
- 200m Run
- 7 Deadlifts
- 10 Box Jumps (step down)
Today’s workout is 6 intervals of running, deadlifts, and box jumps. You will begin a new round every 5-minutes. Your score is the total time from all 6 rounds.
The runs should take no longer than 1:15 each round. Adjust the distance accordingly.
You want to choose a weight on the deadlifts that allows you to move smoothly and complete unbroken sets throughout the workout. The first three rounds will be at a light-moderate weight that allows you to maintain unbroken sets of 10. After the third round, add about 5-10% to the bar, but make sure that you can still complete unbroken sets of 7.
Choose a box height that allows you to move smoothly and stay safe each jump.