With a partner, complete for time:
- 100 Alternating Single Arm Devil Press
- 400m Run together
- 100 Single Arm Overhead Lunge steps
- 400m Run together
- 100 Burpees over the dumbbell
- 400m Run together
30:00 time cap
Today’s conditioning is a chipper. With your partner, you will split 100 devil press, switching whenever you choose. Then you will run 400m together. Next, you will split 100 lunges, switching whenever you choose. Then you will run 400m again. Finally, you will split 100 burpees and then finish with a 400m run together.
The runs should take no longer than 2:30. Adjust the distance accordingly.
The devil press should be performed with a weight that allows you to do sets of 10 at a steady pace. It should be light-moderate.
The lunges may be performed walking, reverse, or forward and the dumbbell may be held overhead with whichever arm you choose. Use the same light–moderate weight that you used for your devil press.
Aim for small quick sets on the burpees, switching often so that you can keep up a fast pace.