Updated Thanksgiving Schedule:
- Wednesday, November 25
- 0600 Park WOD at Washington Park
- 0900 Park WOD at Washington Park
- 1715 Park WOD at Washington Park
- Thursday, November 26
- 1000 Park WOD at Washington Park
- Friday November 27
- 1000 Park WOD at Washington Park
- Saturday, November 28
- 0900 Park WOD at Washington Park
Don’t forget to RSVP for class!
Push Jerk
- x 1 x 5 sets
Pause :01 in receiving position and :01 standing with bar overhead.
Today’s strength is push jerks for sets of 1. Every rep will have a :01 pause in the receiving position and :01 pause overhead.
Warm up to a weight that feels challenging, but you can maintain good positions and clear pauses for every rep. Use this weight for all 5 working sets. Rest about 2-minutes between sets. Aim to use 5-10% more than last week’s weight.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00:
- 8 Pull Ups
- 10 Single Arm Shoulder to Overhead (5/arm)
- 12-15 Calories
Today’s workout is 12-minutes of pull ups, single arm shoulder to overhead, and calories. Your score is the number of rounds and reps completed in the 12-minutes.
The pull ups should be completed in 1-2 sets every time. Substitute jumping pull ups or ring rows if needed.
The single arm shoulder to overhead should be with a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell. It is only 5 reps per arm, so challenge your self. But you don’t want to go so heavy that you cannot do 5 reps in a row at any point during the workout.
The calories should take about 1-minute or less throughout the workout. Choose a number that puts you in that time domain.