Every 2:00 for 8 rounds:
- 6 Single Arm Devil Press
- 8/10 Calories
At 20:00, for time:
- 24 Single Arm Devil Press
- 32/40 Calories
Today’s conditioning is 8 rounds of devil press and calories, followed by one more longer round of the same movements. Your score is the sum total time of all rounds of work.
Choose a weight for the devil press that allows you to complete the sets of 6 continuously. On the last round, try to get through the 24 reps with no more than 1 break.
The calories should take no longer than :35 to complete each round. Try to maintain close to the same pace for the bigger set of calories at the end. If you do not have a machine, perform a 100m run for the shorter intervals. Then substitute a 400m run for the last interval.
8 Rounds
- :15 Hollow Rocks
- :15 Rest
Today’s midline work is hollow rocks. You will work for :15 and rest for :15 for 8 rounds. Maintain a strong hollow body throughout. You want to be rolling on your lower back, keeping your midline engaged. Tuck one or both legs in, and/or bring your arms in as needed.