Overhead Squat @ 33X1
- Build to a single at an RPE 9
Today’s strength is overhead squats. Every rep will be performed with a :03 descent and :03 pause in the bottom. You will build over the course of 5-7 sets to a single at a rate of perceived exertion of 9/10. In other words, you will build to a challenging snigle, but we don’t want anyone failing reps. Be sure to make small jumps once you get to the heavier weights to ensure you do not fail any reps.
If you have mobility restrictions, you may substitute 1 overhead lunge per leg.
At 0:00, 3 Rounds of:
- 21/18 Calories
- 15 Back Squats
At 10:00, 3 Rounds of:
- 21/18 Calories
- 9 Front Squats
8:00 time cap each workout
Today’s conditioning is 2 sets of calories and squats. You will complete 3 rounds of calories and back squats, then at the 10-minute mark complete 3 rounds of calories and front squats. Your score is the sum total of both times. You will enter each time in SugarWOD separately.
The calories should take no longer than 1:15 to complete each round. Adjust the number accordingly.
The back squats will be taken from the ground. Choose a weight that you can safely clean and pop onto your back rack safely no matter how tired you are. The squats should be completed unbroken.
You should use the same weight for your front squats that you used for the back squats. The sets of 9 should be completed unbroken.