
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00:

  • 6 Power Cleans
  • 9 Push Ups
  • 12 Toes to Bar

Rest 5:00

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00:

  • 3 Power Cleans (heavier than part 1)
  • 6 Push Ups
  • 9 Toes to Bar


Today’s workout is two sets of 10 minutes of work with 5 minutes of rest. Keep track of the number of rounds and reps completed each set.

The power cleans during the first 10-minutes should be lighter. If you are using a barbell, perform either very quick singles or touch and go reps. If you are using dumbbells or kettlebells, the reps should be unbroken. During the 5-minute rest, add a little bit of weight. The power cleans during the second 10-minutes should be more challenging. You will be doing singles if using a barbell. If you are using dumbbells or kettlebells, and don’t have another option for weights, you may keep the reps at 6.

The push ups should take no more than 2 quick sets at any point during the workout. Elevate your hands as needed to avoid reaching failure.

The toes to bar should take no more than 3 quick sets to complete at any point. You may perform knee raises or, if you don’t have a pull up bar, sit ups.