
Every minute on the minute for 10:00:

  • Power Snatch from position 1 + Power Snatch from position 2 + Overhead Squat

If you do not have a barbell, perform 10 kettlebell snatch


Today’s strength is snatches. Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes, you will complete the first snatch from the hips (position 1) and the second from above the knee (position 2), then you perform one overhead squat. Warm up to a weight that feels challenging, but allows you to maintain good positions for all 20 reps, and use that weight for all 10 minutes.

If you do not have a barbell, perform 10 kettlebell snatch, on the minute for 10 minutes.


Every 3:00 for 6 rounds:

  • 15/12 Calories
  • 8 Overhead Reverse Lunge Steps
  • 50 Double Unders


Today’s conditioning is 6 rounds of calories, lunges, and double unders. Your score will be your slowest round, so keep track of your time each round and stay consistent. We would like you to have at least :30 rest each between each round.

The calories should take no longer than :45 to complete each round. Adjust the number of calories accordingly.

The overhead lunges may be done with one dumbbell or kettlebell, or a barbell. Choose a weight that allows you to maintain a soft touch of the knee each rep and complete all rounds unbroken.

The double unders should take no longer than :40 to complete. Adjust the number of reps or perform single unders in order to stay within that time domain.


3 Sets:

  • 800m @ mile pace + :07 / 400m
  • Rest 1:00
  • 400m @ mile pace + :05 / 400m
  • Rest 3:00