
Every 5:00 for 6 rounds:

  • 20/15 Calories
  • 10 Clean and Jerks
  • 5 Bar Muscle Ups or 10 Pull Ups


Today’s conditioning is 6 rounds of calories, clean and jerks, and either bar muscle ups or pull ups. You will complete one round at the top of every 5:00 and rest the remainder of the 5-minute window. Your score is your slowest round.

The calories should be completed in about 1:00. Adjust the number, if needed. If you do not have a machine, run 200m.

The clean and jerks may be done with a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, or an odd-object. Choose a moderate weight that will take no longer than 1:00 to complete.

The bar muscle ups or pull ups should take no more than 2 sets to complete. Keep an eye on the clock as we would like you to have at least 1:30 to rest between rounds.