
1a) Push Press @ 20X1

  • x 3-5 x 4 sets

1b) Horizontal Ring Rows @ 20X1

  • x 5-7 x 4 sets

Strength Notes

Today’s strength is push press and ring rows. You will alternate between the two for 4 working sets.

You will build in weight across all four sets for the push press. Every rep will be performed with a :01 pause overhead, :02 negative, and no pause on the front rack. Aim for 5 reps every set. As long as you are maintaining the tempo for all 5 reps, continue to add weight. If after the third rep, you find that you cannot maintain the prescribed tempo, stop there. You have found your heavy set for the day. Ensure that your final working set is no greater than 20% more than your first working set.

The ring rows are to be completed with a :02 negative and :01 pause with the rings against the chest. If you cannot complete at least 5 reps at the prescribed tempo, adjust your body angle.


5 Rounds

  • :30 Max Clean and Jerks (95/135)
  • :30 Rest
  • :30 Max Toes to Bar
  • :30 Rest
  • :30 Max Box Jump with a step down
  • :30 Rest

Conditioning Notes

Today’s conditioning is several time priority intervals. The goal is to stay consistent in the reps you are getting across all intervals.

The clean and jerk should be at a weight that allows you to complete very quick singles. We are looking for you to complete at least 6-8 reps each interval.

During the toes to bar interval, aim to take no more than one break. Avoid falling off rhythm and performing a double swing to get your toes to the bar. Practice a variation that allows you to complete a good hollow-arch rhythm.

The box jumps will be completed with a step down between reps. Choose a height where you will not hesitate between reps.