1a) Strict Press @ 30X1
- x 8 x 4 sets @ RPE 7
1b) Supinated Strict Pull Ups
- x 6-10 x 4 sets
Strength Notes
Today’s strength is strict press and strict pull ups. You will alternate between the two exercises for 4 working sets.
For the strict press, every rep will be performed with a :01 pause overhead and :03 negative. Warm up to a weight that leaves you feeling like you had a few reps left after your first working set. Use this same weight for all 4 working sets.
The strict pull ups will be performed with a supinated grip. There is no tempo restriction, but make sure you show control and a full range of motion every rep. Aim for the higher end of the rep range but we don’t want to hit failure at any point.
8 Rounds of each interval:
At 0:00:
- 12 Deadlifts (135/95)
At 0:30:
- 9 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
At 1:00:
- 6 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
Conditioning Notes
Today’s workout consists of 24 task priority intervals. At 3,2,1, go… you will complete 12 deadlifts. You will then rest until the 0:30 mark and complete 9 hang power cleans. You will then rest until the 1:00 make and complete 6 shoulder to overhead. At the 1:30 mark, you will begin your second round of deadlifts. Continue this pattern until you have finished 8 rounds of each exercise.
The weight will be dictated by your weakest movement. We want every movement to be completed unbroken. Adjust the weight accordingly.
0730 Endurance Class
30 Rounds
- :30 Assault Bike @ 85-87% effort
- :30 Assault Bike @ easy effort
Today’s endurance class will take place on one machine with no rest. If we do not have enough bikes, it may be performed on a rower.
This is the same workout as last Wednesday. Aim to hold a slightly faster pace on the 85% effort than you did last week.