
Every minute on the minute for 12:00:

  • Minute 1: :30 Sandbag Chest Hold
  • Minute 2: 10 Dumbbell Z-Press
  • Minute 3: :15 Hanging L-Sit Hold

Strength Notes

Today’s strength consists of 3 exercises between which you will rotate every minute for 4 rounds. Choose a sandbag that is challenging, but you can hold for :30 unbroken every round. The dumbbell z-press is a movement that challenges your overhead mobility. Choose a weight that allows you to get the best lockout possible. For the hanging l-sit hold, maintain a relaxed hang where you are not pulling down with your shoulders. Then lift straight legs to a 90 degree angle at the hips. If you are not able to achieve 90 degrees, bend either one or both knees.


With a partner, alternating full rounds, complete as many rounds as possible in 14:00:

  • 15 Double Kettlebell Deadlifts (53/70)
  • 10m Farmer Carry Walking Lunge (53/70)
  • 5 Strict Handstand Push Ups
  • 10m Farmer Carry Walking Lunge

Conditioning Notes

Today’s workout is a time priority to be done with a partner. One partner will complete an entire round while the other rests. When the first partner is done, she/he will rest and the second partner will begin a round. Each time one person completes a round, that counts as 1 towards your score. Choose a set of kettlebells that allows you to complete all the deadlifts and lunge unbroken. The handstand push ups should also be done unbroken. Adjust the number of reps or perform box handstand push ups, or regular push ups in order to keep all sets unbroken.