Wednesday 2024.02.07


With a Partner, 5 Rounds for Time

32-40 calories
30 kettlebell swings (relay style)
20 box stepovers
10 devil press

30 minute cap


Today’s workout will be done with a parter. You will complete a total of 5 rounds of 32-40 calories, 30 kettlebell swings, 20 box stepovers, and 10 devil press. Your score is the amount of time it takes to complete 5 rounds, or the number of rounds and reps completed at the cap if you do not finish.

The calories will be done OPWAAT style and shouldn’t take much more than about 2:30 per round. Reduce the amount if you can’t hold that pace. Switch with your partner as often as you’d like.

Choose a light-moderate weight kettlebell that allows you to go unbroken on the swings. Relay style means partner 1 will do all 30 swings and then partner 2 will do the same.

The stepovers and devil press will be OPWAAT. Use the same set of dumbbells for both movements. Keep the sets small. 4-6 stepovers and 2-4 devil press at a time before switching partners would be a good plan.

Tuesday 2024.02.06


3-4 sets:

Ring Dip x 5-7 @ 31×1
Pendlay Row x 8-10 @ 11×0
Jefferson Curl x 2-3 with :05 descent and :05 hold in the bottom


Use the 3 different scores to note your reps and setup on the dips, weight on the Pendlay rows, and your weight and feel on the Jefferson curl.

For the ring dip you may spot yourself with a foot on the floor or on a box, or with bands under the knees. You can also substitute dips to stable surface or pushups done at the same tempo. Aim for 7 reps on each set. If you get sets of 7 across then you may either decrease assistance or add weight next week.

The tempo for the Pendlay row just means you will pause for :01 on the ground each rep to avoid any bouncing. You will not pause at the chest. If mobility limitations prevent a neutral spine in the bottom, you may elevate the bar by pulling from a set of plates rather than from the ground.

For the Jefferson curl, stand on an elevated surface with light-moderate weight that is enough to assist in the stretch but not necessarily heavy. Focus on control and range of motion rather than simply adding weight. Though as you become more comfortable with the movement you may use gradually heavier weights.


Every :90 x 6 rounds

Rounds 1, 4: 10-15 hanging knee raises from rope + 40 double unders
Rounds 2, 5: 10-15 chest to bar pull ups + 8-10 burpees
Rounds 3, 6: 4-6 renegade rows + 15 box jump & step down


Today’s workout is 6 :90 rounds. On rounds 1 and 4 you will perform 10-15 hanging knee raises from the rope and 40 double unders. Rounds 2 and 5 will consist of 10-15 chest to bar pull ups and 10 burpees. For rounds 3 and 6 you will do 4-6 renegade rows and 15 box jumps. Your score is the amount of reps completed.

You should be able to complete the hanging knee raises and pull ups in 1-2 quick sets. You can substitute knee raises from a bar, situps, or v ups. For the chest to bar you can substitute chin over bar pull ups, ring rows, jumping chest to bar pull ups, or banded pull ups.

The renegade rows should be unbroken. Each rep will be left arm row, pushup, right arm row, pushup. If you cannot complete the pushup portion of the movement you can do 4-6 push ups to the box followed by 4-6 per side db rows from the pushup plank position.

The double unders, burpees, and box jumps shouldn’t take much more than :30 per round. You can reduce the amount of reps on any of these movements if necessary. You can also perform single unders instead of doubles, or box step ups instead of jumps.

As always, prioritize safety on the box jumps. Pick a height you are confident jumping to and step down from each rep.

Monday 2024.02.05


Box Squat

Build to a heavy set of 5 (RPE 8-9)
then do two drop sets of 5 reps at 15% less weight

Shoulder Extension Scap Pull Up x 5 @ 2222 tempo between working sets


Use a box height that puts you right at parallel (hip crease even with top of knee). RPE 8-9 means you should feel like you had another couple reps in the tank at the end of your set. Do not build to a weight that you think you may fail, as it is much harder to bail out of a failed box squat than out of a free squat. Be sure to sit back onto the box with control and avoid crashing to the box. Sit your weight onto the box for a split second, then move explosively as you stand up off of the box.

For the shoulder extension scap pull ups the tempo means that you should fully relax in the bottom for 2 seconds, fully protract for 2 seconds, and move smoothly with control as you transition between positions.


120-150 calories for time

EMOM 12:
6 wall balls


The workout today is 120-150 calories for time, while performing 6 wall balls every minute on the minute. Your score is the time it takes to complete the calories, or the amount of calories completed at the end of the 12 minute clock. If you reach your target amount of calories the workout is over and you do not need to continue performing wall balls.

Pick a weight for the wall balls that allows you remain unbroken, while still getting at least 10-12 calories per round on the machine. If you think this pace will not be attainable, consider waiting until the 1 minute mark for your fist set of wall balls, instead of starting the workout with them.

Try to avoid wasting time as you transition on and off of your machine.

Saturday 2024.02.03


With a Partner

Spend 9 minutes building to a heavy power snatch

Rest 3 minutes then…

AMRAP 9, Alternating Full Rounds

Shuttle runs x 5
Pull ups x 8

Rest 3 minutes then…

AMRAP 6, Alternating Full Rounds
Shuttle sprints x 3
Kettlebell swings x 15


You will be working with a partner today completing 3 different workouts, with 3 minutes of rest between each workout. You will start by spending 9 minutes building to a heavy power snatch (both partners). You will then rest 3 minutes before completing a 9 minute AMRAP of shuttle runs and pull ups. After another 3 minutes of rest you will finish with a 6 minute AMRAP of shuttle runs and kettlebell swings. You will have two scores for the workout: Your combined weight on the power snatch, as well as your teams total rounds and reps completed on both AMRAPS

Your score for the snatch is the combined weight of each partner’s heaviest successful lift. You will work on a single barbell and take turns with your partner, changing weight and resting as necessary. If you miss a rep then you are done building and your last made lift is your score. The lift must be off of the ground by end of the 9 minutes for it to count. Put all barbells and weights away during the rest.

On the AMRAPs, partner 1 will perform an entire round while partner 2 rests. You will alternate full rounds in this fashion for the duration of each AMRAP.

On the 9 minute AMRAP The shuttle runs should be completed in less than :40. Decrease to 4 reps if necessary.

Choose a pullup variation that allows you to complete 8 reps in 1 or 2 quick sets. You may substitute ring rows or banded pull ups.

On the 6 minute AMRAP your shuttle runs should be completed in less than :20. Decrease to 2 reps if necessary. These can be done at a higher intensity. However, prioritize safety and sound mechanics. The key is changing direction quickly and efficiently, rather than trying to reach absolute top speed.

Your kettlebell swings should be done at least to the Solidarity standard of getting the bell above your eyeline. You may also go American-style if you prefer. Choose a weight that will allow you to go unbroken throughout.

Friday 2024.02.02

3-4 sets:

Floor press x 5-7 @ 21×1 tempo
Eccentric Pull Up x 1-3 with :7-:10 negative
Weighted Straddle Pancake 3-6 reps with :05 descent and :05 pause in bottom


The [floor press]( has all the elements of the bench press, just with a shorter range of motion. Once you get used to the movement you will likely be able to use more weight for a given amount of reps than on the traditional bench press. Be sure to lower the bar with control to avoid letting the arms crash against the ground

For the eccentric pull up you may use whatever grip you want (supinated/pronated) and may switch grips as desired. Choose a variation that allows you have a 7-10 second descent using an even speed throughout the entire ROM. This means you may add weight if necessary. You may also spot yourself with a foot on the box if you need to. If you are unable to do this, you may do the same tempo and rep scheme with ring row negatives.

Aim to get 3 reps per set. If you are able to achieve this you may either use less assistance next week, or add weight if you are already doing this unassisted. If you are only able to hold the tempo for 1-2 reps on any of your sets this week, repeat this next week and try to get all the way to 3 reps across all sets.

For the [weighted straddle pancake](, elevate your hips as much as necessary to allow for a neutral spine throughout the movement. Start with a light-moderate weight on your upper back to help assist in the stretch. Take :05 to work into your deepest position, and then spend another :05 in that position on each rep. Gently try to work into deeper positions across these reps and sets. Prioritize increasing range of motion and control rather than weight.


4, 8, 12… Kettlebell Snatch
3 Wall Walks
4, 8, 12… V-Ups

9 Minute Cap


Today’s workout is an ascending ladder of kettlebell snatches and v-ups with 3 wall walks mixed into each round. You will start with 4 reps on the KB snatch and v-ups and increase by another 4 reps with each additional round. Your score is the amount of rounds and reps completed at the 9 minute time cap.

Choose a kettlebell that allows you to remain unbroken through at least the round of 16.

Your wall walks should take no more than :30-:40 per round. Reduce the amount of reps and/or range of motion as necessary to achieve this.

Choose a variation of the v-up that allows you to remain unbroken through at least the round of 12. You may scale to single leg v-ups, tuck ups, single leg tuck ups, or sit ups. Aim to pick one of these variations and maintain it throughout the workout.