Aug 8, 2023
Every 10:00 x 3
40-50 calories
30 burpees over dumbbells
20 front rack lunges
4 muscle ups or 8 pull ups
Today’s workout is 3 intervals of calories, burpees, dumbbell front rack lunges, and muscle ups or pull ups. You will start a new round every 10 minutes. Your score will be your slowest round.
Calories should take no longer than 4:00. You may lower the number of calories to 35-40 in order to keep with this time frame.
Burpees over the dumbbells should be done at a pace of at least 10/minute. If this sounds like an aggressive pace, lower the number of burpees to 20-25.
Your dumbbells should be moderate, and the goal is to push the lunges to be unbroken.
Your muscle ups or pull ups can be done in 1-2 sets. You may substitute chest to bar pull ups, regular pull ups, banded pull ups, or difficult ring rows. The goal is to use a more challenging gymnastics movement than normal.
Aug 8, 2023
Romanian Deadlift 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps with 21×1 tempo
*Arm circles next to wall in between sets x 10/side
Stand on plate if necessary to reach a full range of motion on the Romanian Deadlift.
Perform all working set at the same weight and aim for the top of the rep range. If you reach the top of the rep range on each working set then go heavier next week.
For the wall circles be sure to avoid rotating the hips or torso to facilitate the movement. Stand as close to the wall as possible without letting your hand touch the wall. Move slowly and try to work deliberately through those sticking points.
1 – 13-16 calories
2 – :40 sandbag hold
3 – 10 double KB swings (Russian)
The workout today is an EMOM with calories, sandbag holds, and double kettlebell swings. You will complete a total of 5 rounds of these movements.
The calories should take no longer than about :55. If this pace does not sound sustainable, you can lower the calories to 12-15.
The sandbag should be a challenging weight, but not so heavy that you have to break the :45 hold.
Your kettlebells should be a light moderate weight that allows you to complete the reps unbroken. This is your chance to recover before moving back to the calories.
Aug 6, 2023
Snatch High Pull + Power Snatch (pos. 2) + Power Snatch + Overhead squat (OHS) from pause
*Pause for :03 in the receiving position on each power snatch.
Spend about 15 minutes working on this complex. You can perform multiple working sets at the same weight, or build up across your working sets towards a heavy weight for the day. Try to avoid missing reps.
If you finish with extra time remaining you can do additional power snatch + OHS singles at your working weight or slightly less.
50 burpees
100 double unders
30 wall balls
20 toe to bar
Today’s workout is an AMRAP of burpees, double unders, wall balls, and toe to bar. Your score will be the rounds and reps completed in 10 minutes.
Burpees should be done at a pace of at least 12/minute. If this sounds like an aggressive pace, consider lowering the burpees to 40.
Double unders should take no longer than 1:20. You may lower the number of double unders or substitute single unders.
Your wall ball weight should be light enough to allow 30 reps to be completed in no more than 2 sets. Remember, you are probably only doing one set of wall balls in the 10 minutes.
Toe to bar should be done in no more than 3-4 sets. You may substitute hanging knee raises, V-ups, or sit ups.
Aug 4, 2023
Teams of 2
50 clean and jerks
100 burpees over the bar
50 clean and jerks
*Every 3:00, run 200 m*
30 min cap
The team workout will be done in teams of 2. You will work through 50 clean and jerks, 100 burpees over the bar and 50 clean and jerks, opwaat (one person working at a time) style. Every 3:00 you and your teammate will complete a 200 m run. This workout is capped at 30 minutes.
Your clean and jerk weight should be a moderate weight that allows you and your teammate to trade off every 1-3 reps.
Burpees should be completed at a pace of at least 10/minute. You may lower the reps of burpees to 80 if this pace sounds aggressive or substitute regular burpees.
Runs should be done in about 1:10 or less. Consider decreasing the run to 150 m if this pace sounds overly aggressive.
Aug 3, 2023
1 1/4 Front squat + front squat
Build to a moderate-heavy set of 3 reps on the 1 1/4 front squat.
Then take the same weight and perform 1-2 sets of 4-6 regular front squats with a 20×1 tempo
10 reps of active hang & shoulder flexion drills between sets.
Be sure to use control on the 1 1/4 front squat. Descend into the very bottom of your front squat, smoothly reverse direction without bouncing and ascend to a couple inches above parallel before descending to the bottom again. Then smoothly transition out of the bottom and stand all the way up to extension of the knees and hips.
Do not bounce out of the bottom at any point. Instead, lower with control and smoothly transition out of the bottom on each rep (and each 1/4 rep).
Once you have found your top weight on the 1 1/4 front squat you will use the same weight to perform 1-2 sets of 4-6 reps at a 20×1 tempo. You may use a little stretch reflex as you rebound out of the bottom on these.
In between sets of squats do the active hang drill and the shoulder flexion drill. If you have time you can perform both, or you can alternate which drill you do after each set of squats.
For the active hang drill perform 10 reps of :03 active hang and :02 passive hang.
For the shoulder flexion drill keep some posterior pelvic tilt engagement to prevent arching of the low back. Lower your chest towards the floor for 3 seconds, then relax up for 1 second. Perform 10 reps. You should feel a stretch in the thoracic spine and maybe the lats. If you feel pinching in the shoulders, try elevating or depressing the scaps or rotating the elbows down. If this does not fix anything you may sub a downward dog stretch instead.
double DB step ups
2:00 rest
For time, work your way down (7 minute cap)
Today’s metcon is two sets of step ups and calories: one is an AMRAP and the second set is for time. You will begin with a 5 minute AMRAP of an ascending ladder of double dumbbell step ups and calories. You will start with 5 of each movement then 10, then 15, and then continue adding 5 reps. You will then rest for 2:00. After the 2:00 rest you will work your way back down the ladder. For example, if you finished the round of 15, you will start with 15 step ups and proceed to 15 calories, then 10 and 10, and finally 5 and 5. If you completed a partial round, you will start at that round. For example, if you were in the round of 20 in the AMRAP, you will start the second piece with 20 step ups. The second piece is capped at 7 minutes.
Your dumbbell weight should be light enough to complete the round of 15 unbroken.
Calories should be done at a pace of at least 15/minute. If this sounds like an aggressive pace, consider changing the calories to 5-10-12-17-22… and so on.