Tuesday 2023.03.21


1A) weighted* strict pull up x 8-10 x 3
1B) alternating SA arm DB bench x 8-10/arm x 3

2A) DB pull over x 10-12 x 2
2B) straight arm banded lat pull over x 15 x 2 w/ a 1 s pause


We are doing two upper body supersets for todays strength. You will start by doing 3 sets of 8-10 strict pull ups and 3 sets of 8-10/arm single arm dumbbell bench presses. You will alternate between these movements, resting as needed. You will then move to 2 sets of 10-12 dumbbell pull overs and 15 straight arm banded pull overs.

On any movement with a rep range you will aim for the top end of the rep range on each set. If you are able to complete this, make the movement harder the following week. If you have to stop short of the top end of the rep range on any set, do not make any changes the following week and aim to get all of the reps then.

If you get 3×10 unassisted strict pull ups you can add weight. If you were using any accommodations to perform the reps, try to lessen those accommodations next week.

Pull ups can be made easier in several ways. If you have some strict pull ups but not 8-10, you can do a few pullups without failing any reps and then immediately finish the set with challenging ring rows. Alternatively, you can use a band for assistance.

If you can not do any pullups or cannot get 8-10 reps with a band, consider performing 2-3 pull ups negatives at the slowest tempo you can maintain throughout the entire range of motion. You can use a box under your feet for assistance if necessary.


3 rounds for time

6 wall walks
12 double DB hang snatches
15-20 calories

*12 min cap*


Today’s metcon is three rounds for time of wall walks, double dumbbell snatches, and calories. Your score is the time it takes you to complete all three rounds, or how many reps you’ve completed at the 12 minute time cap.

Wall walks should be done in a 1:15 or less. You can decrease the number of reps or modify the height of your wall walks as necessary.

The dumbbell hang snatches will be done with two dumbbells. You should do these at a light-moderate weight, and aim to complete them unbroken across the 3 rounds.

Calories should be done in about a minute. You can decrease the number of calories if this sounds too aggressive.


Monday 2023.03.20


3 rounds

Bulgarian split squat x 8-10/leg at 21X1
Single arm suitcase carry x 20 m/arm
Kickstand DB RDLs x 8-10/leg at 3011


Perform all 3 working sets of Bulgarian Split Squats at the same weight. You should be aiming for 10 reps/leg on each set. If you are able to complete 10 reps at the prescribed tempo on each working set you can increase weight next week. If you stop short of 10 reps or fail to maintain the tempo on any of your working sets, use the same weight the following week until you are able to complete 3×10 @ 21×1.

Use a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell on the suitcase carry. Brace your core to keep your posture upright and your spine neutral throughout the movement.

Use the same format on the Tempo RDL’s as you are on the Bulgarian Split Squats.



Double DB deadlifts
Burpees over the DBs

*8 min cap*


Today’s workout is an ascending ladder of double dumbell deadlifts and burpees over the dumbbells. You will start with one DB deadlift followed by one burpee over the DBs. You will proceed with two deadlifts then two burpees. You will continue in this fashion until you have completed 10 DB deadlifts and 10 burpees over the DBs. Your score is the time it takes you to complete the workout or the number of reps you’ve completed at the 8 minute time cap.

The DB weight should be light/moderate so that you can plan to do the deadlifts unbroken.

You should be able to complete 10 burpees over the dumbbells in :40 or less, when fresh. If this sounds ambitious, maybe you can decrease the reps of the burpees to 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-7-7-7.

This is a fast workout, but be weary of the first few rounds. Be deliberate in transitions, but not overly urgent. The reps will catch up to you quickly.





Saturday 2023.03.18


Teams of 2

40 DB bench
400 m run (together)
30 bench
400 m run (together)
20 bench
400 m run (together)

Right into

30 power cleans
60 calories
20 power cleans
60 calories
10 power cleans
60 calories

*30 minute cap*


Today’s teamer has two parts: dumbbell bench/running and power cleans/calories.

The dumbbell bench will be performed opwaat (one person working at a time) style and the runs will be performed together. Your dumbbells should be moderate/heavy. You may split the bench press however you want although it is suggested that you switch every 7-10 reps. The runs should take no longer than 2:30. You may lower the distance to 300 m if that pace is out of reach today.

The power cleans and calories will all be done opwaat style. The power cleans should be moderately heavy so that you are switching with your partner every 1-3 reps. Calories may be done on any machine and should take no longer than 4:30. You may decrease the number to 45-50 if that sounds like an aggressive pace.






Friday 2023.03.17


Frankenstein front squats

3 sets of 6-8 reps at 21X1

In Between working sets:
chin up negatives with :05 descent x 3-5 reps
:10 exaggerated front rack hold x 3 reps


The Frankenstein front squat will force you into maintaining an upright posture throughout the range of motion to prevent the bar from rolling off the front of the shoulders. You will also not have an front rack mobility limitations holding you back.

Use a box under your feet for assistance if you need to on the chin up negatives.

Maintain a full grip on the front rack stretch and try to force the elbows up throughout the :10 while keeping your legs, glutes, and core engaged to prevent any compensations lower down the kinetic chain.



Kettlebell Snatch 8-12-16-20…

*200 m run after each set


Today’s workout is an ascending ladder of KB snatch coupled with running. You will perform the kettlebell snatches, starting with four reps, and complete a 200 m run. When you return from the run you will add four reps to the kettlebell snatches, and go back out for another run. You will continue in this fashion for 12 minutes.

The kettlebell weight should be light/moderate so that you can complete the set of 16 unbroken (8 reps per arm). You may split the KB snatches up however you want between arms. It is suggested you start splitting them up evenly between arms in the round of 12.

The runs should take no longer than 1:15 across the workout. If this sounds unreasonable, you may lower the distance to 100-150 m.





Thursday 2023.03.16



1 – 15 wall balls
2 – 5 shuttle runs
3 – 12-15 burpees
4 – 12-15 calories
5 – 10 pull ups


The workout today is a 25 minute EMOM, with 5 different stations. You will complete a total of 5 rounds.

Your wall ball weight should be light enough that you can stay unbroken throughout the workout.

Shuttle runs should take no longer than :40, or :08/rep. You may decrease the number of reps if this pace sounds aggressive.

Burpees should be finished in under :45, along with the calories. You may decrease reps on these stations if you do not think that pace is sustainable.

Pull ups should be done in 1-2 sets across the workout. You may substitute banded or jumping pull ups.