Feb 5, 2023
3 Position Snatch
Every :90 for 8 rounds: Snatch (pos. 1) + Snatch (pos. 2) + Snatch (pos. 3)
Today’s strength is a snatch complex. You will perform one snatch from position 1, position 2, and position 3. You will perform this complex every 90 seconds for 8 rounds.
It is up to you how you load this. You can build towards a heavy set across the 8 rounds if you want, or you can perform the same sub-maximal weight for all 8 rounds, or any other format that you think makes sense for you. Try to avoid missing reps.
Open Workout 14.4
60 calories
50 toe to bar
40 wall balls
30 power cleans
20 muscle ups
Today’s workout is from the 2014 Open and is a chipper of calories, toe to bar, wall balls, power cleans, and muscle ups. You will complete all the reps of one movement before moving on to the next. The row should not take longer than 4 minutes. Toe to bar should not take longer than 3 minutes. Wall balls should be done at a weight where you can complete 40 reps in no more than 3 sets. The power cleans should be done at a moderate weight with small touch and go sets or quick singles. Muscle ups can be ring or bar, and can be substituted with chest to bar pull ups, regular pull ups, banded pull ups, or jumping pull ups.
Feb 3, 2023
Teams of 2
400 m run (together)
20 sandbag cleans
40 m forward crawl
The workout today is a teamer of running, sandbag cleans, and forward crawl. You and your partner will run each 400 m together. Once you both have returned from the run, you will complete 20 sandbag to shoulder, OPWAAT style (one person working at a time) followed by 40 m of forward crawl, also performed OPWAAT style.
The run should not take any longer than 2:15. Reduce the distance if necessary.
The sandbag weight should be moderate. You can split the reps however you like, but it should take no longer than 2:30 per round.
The crawl should be done in unbroken 10 m segments, and should take no more than :40 per round.
Feb 2, 2023
Deadlift @20×1
4 sets of 8-10 reps with :90 of active rest between sets
Today’s strength is deadlifts. You will complete 4 working sets of 8-10 reps. Every rep will be performed touch-and-go style. This means you will have a :02 negative, a light tap against the ground before exploding up, and :01 pause at lockout. You will use the same weight for all working sets. The goal is to complete 10 reps at the prescribed tempo for all 4 working sets. If you accomplish that, the following week you will use a slightly heavier weight. Here is an example of how this could look in practice:
Week 1: 100×10, 100×10, 100×10, 100×9
Week 2: 100×10, 100×10, 100×10, 100×10
Week 3: 105×10, 105×10, 105×10, 105×10
Week 4: 110×9, 110×9, 110×9, 110×9
The time between sets will also be controlled. We will take :90 seconds of active rest between sets. To make the rest active, simply walk around the room or bike at an easy pace for :90 seconds until it is time for you to lift again. If you are partnered with someone using a different weight, you can count the time it takes to change weights toward your active rest.
hang power clean
burpees over the bar
Rest 2:00
For time (back down the ladder)
hang power cleans
burpees over the bar
*cap 7 minutes*
Today’s metcon is two ladders of hang power cleans and burpees over the bar. At 3-2-1 go, you will complete 5 hang power cleans then 5 burpees over the bar. You will then do 10 hang power cleans and 10 burpees over the bar, and continue increasing by 5 reps each for 5 minutes. Your score is total reps completed.
After the 2:00 rest, you will complete a descending ladder of hang power cleans and burpees over the bar. You will start with round you finished on in the first ladder. So if you finished the round of 20 in Part 1, then you will start with 20 hang power cleans followed by 20 burpees over the bar, move on to 15 hang power cleans, 15 burpees over the bar…all the way down to 5 hang power cleans and 5 burpees over the bar. If you did not completely finish a round in Part 1, you will still start there in Part 2. For example, if you finished 8 burpees in the round of 15 in Part 1, you will start with 15 hang power cleans in Part 2.
Your score for Part 2 is the total time to complete the descending ladder.
The hang power cleans should be a light-moderate weight that you can do at least 10 unbroken reps with.
Lower the number of burpees by 1-3 reps if you cannot move at a pace of 12 burpees per minute.
Feb 1, 2023
Take 6:00 to build in weight to a moderately heavy set of 2 reps @ 10X1.
Every minute on the minute for 7:00
10 reps @ 10X1
Today’s strength is thrusters and it is two parts. You will first build in weight at your own pace to a moderately heavy set of 2 reps at a 10X1 tempo. Then, you will take weight off the bar and complete 10 reps every minute for 7-minutes at the same tempo. Aim to use just slightly more weight than the 6 rounds of 10 from last week.
The tempo is important. The :01 pause overhead allows you to take a breath between reps. Then work on descending smoothly and using the stretch reflex in the squat to help with the next rep.
4 Rounds for Time
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
40 ft Walking lunge with DB
10 DB snatch
*13 min time cap*
Today’s workout consists of chest to bar pull ups, single DB goblet walking lunge, and DB snatches. Your score is the time to complete the four rounds.
The chest to bar pull ups should be completed in no more than 2 sets. You may substitute regular pull ups, banded pull ups, jumping pull ups, or ring rows.
For the walking lunge, you will hold one head of the DB against your chest and make your way through 40 feet unbroken.
The DB snatches can be done in singles or small touch and go sets. The DB should be heavy. Your score is the time to complete all four rounds. If you do not complete the four rounds in the time cap, your score will be the number of rounds and reps completed.