Sep 7, 2021
Progression A (you have a strict muscle up)
Part 1: Complete 6-12 Strict Muscle Ups, resting as needed between reps. (weighted, if possible)
Part 2: Complete 3 Sets of:
6-8 Ring Pull Ups (rotating grip) @ 30X1
6-8 Ring Dips (turnout at lockout) @ 31X1
Progression B (you have control in the negative, but do not yet have a strict muscle up)
Part 1: Complete 6-8 strict muscle up negatives as slow as possible, resting as needed between reps.
Part 2: Complete 3 Sets of:
6-8 Pull Ups (any style) @ 30X1
6-8 Ring Push Up with turnout @ 31X1
Progression C (you cannot control a strict muscle up negative)
Part 1: Complete 6-8 Pull Up negatives as slow as possible, resting as needed between reps.
Part 2: Complete 3 Sets of:
6-8 Ring Rows @ 30X1
6-8 Push Ups @ 31X1
Today’s strength is our strict muscle up progression. You have 3 different progressions to follow, but remember it is ok to personalize within each of the 3 progressions depending on your skill set. The overall structure for each progression remains the same.
Part 1 involves a some variation of a strict muscle up or a strength building negative. Whichever variation you choose, you are not working on a clock and may take your time working through the 6-12 reps. Aim to complete at least one more rep than last week.
Part 2 will be 3 sets of a push and a pull at a tempo. You may rest about a minute or two between exercises here. Find a combination of exercises that is challenging, but allows you to maintain the tempo perfectly. Aim to complete at least one more rep on each exercise than last week.
For time
- 21-15-9 Calories
- 9-7-5 Bar Muscle Ups or 21-15-9 Pull Ups
7:00 time cap
Today’s conditioning is a fast couplet of calories and either bar muscle ups or a pull up variation.
You’ll need to adjust the number of calories if you can’t maintain a pace of at least 12/minute. A good rep scheme could be 15-10-5 calories.
The bar muscle up or pull up variation should be broken up into no more than 2-3 sets each round. Feel free to adjust the rep scheme or pulling variation as needed. Remember, this is a relatively fast workout, so you don’t want to be staring at the pull up bar for too long.
Sep 6, 2021
Every minute on the minute for 10:00:
- Slow Clean Pull + Power Clean (position 2)
*Pause :01 in receiving position
Today’s strength is power cleans. You will complete 1 slow clean pull and 1 power clean from position 2 at the top of each minute for 10-minutes. You may build in weight or stay at the same weight for all 10-minutes.
Focus on hitting your positions as you perform the slow clean pull. Keep the bar close as you drive vertically into extension. This should not be a fast or explosive movement into extension. Rather, stay under control and focus on your balance.
Make sure you pass through position 1 as you lower the bar to position 2. Keep your weight centered in your feet throughout the lift.
5 Rounds
In 2:00
- 20 Kettlebell Swings
- Max Calories in remaining time
Rest 2:00
Today’s conditioning is 2-minutes of work with 2-minutes of rest between rounds. Your score is the sum total number of calories from each round.
The kettlebell swings should be at a moderate weight that allows you to complete the 20 reps unbroken every round.
Aim to stay consistent on the calories. Don’t waste any time in transitioning from the kettlebell to the machine. Try to get the fly wheel spinning right away.
Sep 5, 2021
*Scheduling Note*
In observance of Labor Day we will be operating on a limited schedule on Monday, September 6. The WOD will be a team workout and the schedule will be as follows:
- 0900 CrossFit
- 1000 Open Gym
- 1130 CrossFit
“Trolley Strike”
During the summer of 1903, Richmond VA was under nearly martial law when a two-month long streetcar strike broke out in late June when management refused to raise wages or go to arbitration. The strike was put down when the Mayor called out troops to assist Virginia Passenger and Power Company in running the lines without interference from protestors . (1)
Working in teams of four, complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
4 x 250m Row Relay
4 x 10 Push-Ups Relay
4 x 10 Pull-Ups Relay
4 x 10 Front Squats Relay
*Every minute on the minute each team must complete 12 burpees*
Sep 3, 2021
*Scheduling Note*
In observance of Labor Day we will be operating on a limited schedule on Monday, September 6. The WOD will be a team workout and the schedule will be as follows:
- 0900 CrossFit
- 1000 Open Gym
- 1130 CrossFit
With a partner, complete 4 rounds for time:
At the same time
- Partner 1: 20-25 Calories
- Partner 2: 300m Run
when both partners are done
- Partner 1: 300m Run
- Partner 2: 20-25 Calories
when both partners are done
- 20 Clean and Jerks (opwaat)
30:00 time cap
Today’s conditioning is to be done with a partner. At “3,2,1, go…” partner 1 begins with 20-25 calories and partner 2 begins with a 300m run. When both partners are done, partner 1 will run 300m and partner 2 will complete 20-25 calories. Next, both partners will chip away at 20 clean and jerks. That is one round. Your score is the time to complete 4 rounds.
The calories and run should take roughly 1:30 to complete. Adjust the distances and calories accordingly.
Choose a moderate weight on the barbell that allows you and your partner to alternate one rep at a time at a consistent pace.
Sep 2, 2021
Back Squat @ 32X1
- Build to a heavy set of 3-4
- Drop 15% and do two more sets of 3-4
Today’s strength is back squats. Each rep will be performed with a :03 descent, :02 pause in the bottom, and :01 pause between reps.
You will begin by building up to a heavy set of 3-4 reps. After you have found your heavy set, you will take 15% off the bar and do 2 more sets of 3-4 reps at the same tempo.
Let the tempo dictate where you stop as you build up to your heavy set. If you cannot maintain the tempo after that third rep, don’t try for the 4th rep. Just rack the bar as you have found your heavy set for the day.
Every 5:00 for 3 rounds:
- 15 Box Jump Overs
- 25 Wall Balls
- 200m Run
Today’s conditioning is 3 rounds of box jump overs, wall balls, and running. You will complete a new round every 5-minutes. Your score is the sum total time from all 3 rounds.
The box jump overs should be done to a height that allows you to stay safe and move consistently. You don’t want to let the set of 15 take longer than 1-minute. Adjust the number of reps or box height as needed.
The wall balls should be done in 1-2 sets throughout the workout. Choose a ball that is light enough to allow you to maintain big sets.
The run should not take longer than 1-minute to complete. Adjust the distance as needed.