Thursday 2021.04.08

Schedule Update

The next step in the CrossFit Games qualifying process begins this Thursday: the Quarterfinals! Solidarity is incredibly proud of Connor Duddy, Gabby Ocker, Seth Coogan, and Alec McKee for advancing to the next step. They placed in the top 10% worldwide in the Open to earn their spot in the Quarterfinals.

The Quarterfinals will take place Thursday April 8 – Sunday April 11 and will consist of at least five workouts. The events are due at specific times across the weekend. In order to allow the athletes to have sufficient time to complete the workouts, the following schedule changes will be made:

Thursday April 8th – 2:15 Open Gym, 3:30 and 4:30 CrossFit are cancelled

Friday April 9th – 9:00 CrossFit, 2:15 Open Gym, and 3:30 CrossFit are cancelled

The schedule may be altered further as more details about the Quarterfinals are released. We appreciate your understanding, and we look forward to cheering on Connor, Gabby, Seth, and Alec!


Every minute on the minute for 10:00:

  • 1 Clean (position 2) + 1 Front Squat


Today’s strength is cleans plus front squats. At the top of every minute you will perform 1 clean from position 2 plus 1 front squat. You may build throughout the 10 minutes or stay at the same weight for every round.

During the clean, stay balanced and keep your weight centered in your feet as lower to position 2. Then focus on driving vertically through extension and receiving the bar with your elbows up in a good front rack. Pass through a full squat, stand to extension, then perform another full squat.


5 Rounds for time:

  • 75 Double Unders
  • 15 Dumbbell Front Squats
  • 10 Burpee Pull Ups

18-minute time cap


Today’s conditioning is 5 rounds of double unders, front squats, and burpee pull ups. Your score is the time to complete all 5 rounds or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 18-minute time cap.

The double unders should take no more than 1:15 to complete each round. Adjust the number or substitute single unders.

The dumbbell front squats should be done with two dumbbells in the front rack. Choose a light-moderate weight that allows you to complete the 15 reps in 1-2 sets each round.

The pull up bar should be at a height of 6″ above your reach when standing underneath the bar. If this height is too high to allow you to use your jump for help through the pull up, find a lower pull up bar. You may also substitute 10 burpees + 10 ring rows.

Wednesday 2021.04.07

Schedule Update

The next step in the CrossFit Games qualifying process begins this Thursday: the Quarterfinals! Solidarity is incredibly proud of Connor Duddy, Gabby Ocker, Seth Coogan, and Alec McKee for advancing to the next step. They placed in the top 10% worldwide in the Open to earn their spot in the Quarterfinals.

The Quarterfinals will take place Thursday April 8 – Sunday April 11 and will consist of at least five workouts. The events are due at specific times across the weekend. In order to allow the athletes to have sufficient time to complete the workouts, the following schedule changes will be made:

Thursday April 8th – 2:15 Open Gym, 3:30 and 4:30 CrossFit are cancelled

Friday April 9th – 9:00 CrossFit, 2:15 Open Gym, and 3:30 CrossFit are cancelled

The schedule may be altered further as more details about the Quarterfinals are released. We appreciate your understanding, and we look forward to cheering on Connor, Gabby, Seth, and Alec!


Every 7:00 for 4 rounds:

  • 400m Run
  • 6 Power Snatches
  • 12 Shoulder to Overhead


Today’s conditioning is 4 rounds of running, power snatches, and shoulder to overhead. You will complete a new round at the top of every 7-minutes. Your score is the slowest of the 4 rounds.

The runs should take about 2:15 or less each time. Adjust the distance accordingly.

The power snatches should be done with a moderate weight. Quick singles at a pace of one rep every :05 or less would be a good pace. If you do not have a heavy weight available to you, increase the number of reps.

The shoulder to overhead, ideally, are done with the same weight you are using for the power snatches. Aim to complete the sets of 12 unbroken across the workout. It can be a somewhat challenging because you will have a few minutes to rest before starting the next round.

Tuesday 2021.04.06

Schedule Update

The next step in the CrossFit Games qualifying process begins this Thursday: the Quarterfinals! Solidarity is incredibly proud of Connor Duddy, Gabby Ocker, Seth Coogan, and Alec McKee for advancing to the next step. They placed in the top 10% worldwide in the Open to earn their spot in the Quarterfinals.

The Quarterfinals will take place Thursday April 8 – Sunday April 11 and will consist of at least five workouts. The events are due at specific times across the weekend. In order to allow the athletes to have sufficient time to complete the workouts, the following schedule changes will be made:

Thursday April 8th – 2:15 Open Gym and 3:30 CrossFit are cancelled

Friday April 9th – 9:00 CrossFit, 2:15 Open Gym, and 3:30 CrossFit are cancelled

The schedule may be altered further as more details about the Quarterfinals are released. We appreciate your understanding, and we look forward to cheering on Connor, Gabby, Seth, and Alec!


5 Rounds

  • :20 of strict pull ups
  • :40 push up support hold

No rest between rounds

Rest 3:00

5 Rounds

  • :30 of push ups
  • :30 hang from pull up bar

No rest between rounds


Today’s strength is push ups and pull ups. Your score is the number of pull ups plus the number of push ups completed. Keep track of your reps each round. Enter the total pull ups in set 1 and the total push ups in set 2.

You may substitute ring rows if you cannot complete more than about 4 strict pull ups in a row. Try to hang on to the pull up bar or rings for all :20.

Keep your elbows locked, shoulders protracted, and maintain a posterior pelvic tilt during the push up support hold. You may elevate your hands on a box if the hold from the ground is difficult.

There is no tempo restriction on the push ups, but make sure to move through a full range of motion each rep. Elevate your hands if needed.

The hang will get difficult. You may hang in the bottom of a ring row if you cannot hold from the pull up bar for the full 30 seconds.


For time

  • 30-40 Calories
  • 20 Toes to Bar
  • 30 Single Arm Devil Press
  • 20 Toes to Bar
  • 30-40 Calories

12:00 time cap


Today’s conditioning is a chipper. Your score is the time it takes to complete all the reps or the number of reps completed under the 12-minute time cap.

The calories should take no longer than 3-minutes on either end of the workout. Adjust the number if needed.

The toes to bar should be done in 2-3 sets. Substitute knee raises or sit ups if needed.

The single arm devil press should be done with a light-moderate weight. Your goal should be to move through the 30 reps, taking at most 1-2 break.

Monday 2021.04.05


Back Rack Reverse Lunges @ 20X1

  • x 6/leg x 4 sets


Today’s strength is back rack reverse lunges. You will complete 4 sets of 6 reps per leg. Do not alternate legs each rep. Complete all 6 reps on one side, then complete all 6 reps on the other side.

Every rep will be performed with a :02 descent, light tap of the knee on the ground, and :01 pause between reps. Choose a weight that feels challenging, but allows you maintain the tempo and a soft touch of the knee on the ground each rep. If you were here for last week’s sets of 8, aim to use 5-10% more weight this week.


Every 3:00 for 6 rounds:

  • 200m Run
  • 10 Hang Power Cleans
  • 5 Box Jumps


Today’s conditioning is 6 rounds of running, hang power cleans, and box jumps. You will complete a new round every 3-minutes. Your score is the slowest of the 6 rounds.

The runs should take 1-minute or less. Adjust the distance accordingly.

The hang power cleans should be done with a moderate weight that allows you to complete the 10 reps unbroken. But you will get rest between rounds, so there is room to challenge yourself a little bit.

Choose a height on the box jumps that allows you to remain safe throughout the workout. Focus on a soft landing each rep.

Saturday 2021.04.03


With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 26:00:

  • 50 Clean and Jerks
  • 100 Burpee Box Jump Overs
  • 100-150 Calories

Alternate every 2:00 with your partner.


Today’s conditioning is 26-minutes of clean and jerks, burpee box jump overs, and calories. Partner 1 will work for 2-minutes and accumulate as many reps as possible, then partner 2 will pick up where parter 1 left off and accumulate as many reps as possible. Continue to alternate back and forth for 26-minutes.

The clean and jerks should be done with a moderate weight that allows you to complete quick singles with the barbell or sets of 5-10 with a dumbbell.

Keep a consistent pace on the burpees. 2-minutes is a long time to be doing burpee box jump overs so pace this part out. Adjust the box height as needed to stay safe.

The calories should take no longer than 10-minutes to complete. Adjust the target number accordingly. Since you are not sharing a machine with your partner, some quick math will be required to keep a running count of your total calories. If you do not have a machine, substitute a 1600-2000m run.