Tuesday 2020.04.20


4 Rounds not for time:

  • 10/side Seated Single Arm Dumbbell Press
  • 10/side Dumbbell Row


Today’s strength is 4 rounds of dumbbell press and dumbbell rows. You may rest about 1:00 between exercises. Try to use a heavy weight for all 4 sets.

Focus on a strong lockout during the dumbbell press and avoid arching your back too much.

Focus on a long range of motion during the dumbbell rows. Pull from a fully extended arm all the way up to the rib cage each rep.


3 Rounds for time:

  • 15 Clean and Jerks
  • 20 Pull Ups

13:00 time cap


Today’s conditioning is 3 rounds of clean and jerks and pull ups. Your score is the time to complete 3 rounds or the number of rounds and reps completed in under the 13-minute time cap.

The clean and jerks should be at a moderate weight. If you are using a barbell, quick singles should be your strategy. Don’t let them take longer than 2:00.

The pull ups should be done in no more than 4 quick sets each time. Substitute jumping pull ups or ring rows if needed.

Monday 2021.04.19


Back Rack Reverse Lunge @ 20X1

  • x 4/leg x 4 sets


Today’s strength is back rack reverse lunges. You will complete 4 sets of 4 reps per leg. Do not alternate legs each rep. Complete all 6 reps on one side, then complete all 4 reps on the other side.

Every rep will be performed with a :02 descent, light tap of the knee on the ground, and :01 pause between reps. Choose a weight that feels challenging, but allows you maintain the tempo and a soft touch of the knee on the ground each rep. If you were here for last week’s sets of 5, aim to use 5% more weight this week.


At 0:00, complete for time:

  • 200m Run
  • 10 Goblet Squat
  • 200m Run
  • 10 Goblet Squats
  • 200m Run
  • 10 Goblet Squats
  • 200m Run

At 10:00, repeat the above workout.


Today’s conditioning is 2 sets of running and goblet squats. This is a fast paced workout. Your score is the slower of the 2 sets.

The runs should take no longer than 1-minute to complete each round. Adjust the distance accordingly.

The goblet squats should be unbroken every round. But because the overall volume is low, you should challenge yourself with a slightly heavier weight, as long as you can complete 10 in a row.

Saturday 2021.04.17


With a partner, complete 3 sets each:

3 Rounds

  • 10 Weighted Step Ups
  • 10 Dumbbell Bench Press

5:00 time cap per partner per set


Today’s conditioning is alternating sets of step ups and dumbbell bench press to be done with a partner. Partner 1 will begin by completing 3 rounds of 10 step ups and 10 bench press. Then partner 1 will rest while partner 2 completes 3 rounds of step ups and bench press. This pattern will continue until both partners have completed 3 sets of 3 rounds.

The step ups should be at a moderate weight that allows you to complete the 10 reps without putting the weights down. You may weight the step ups any way you like. We recommend two dumbbells in the farmer’s carry. They can be, but don’t have to be, the same weight used for the dumbbell bench press.

The dumbbell bench should be done with weights that allow you to maintain unbroken sets of 10. This is a light-moderate weight. The first few rounds shouldn’t feel too difficult, but the overall volume will make the last few rounds more challenging.

Friday 2021.04.16


Every minute on the minute for 10:00:

  • Clean with :02 pause at position 2 + Front Squat


Today’s strength is clean + front squat. You will complete one clean with a :02 pause at 2″ above the knee plus one front squat at the top of every minute for 10 minutes. You may either build throughout the 10-minutes or stay at the same weight across all rounds.

During the pause on your clean, focus on keeping your weight centered in your feet, shins vertical, and keep your shoulders over the bar. Then drive vertically through extension and pass through a full squat. Then complete another front squat.


For time:

  • 120 wall-ball shots
  • 120-cal. row

Time cap: 15 min.


Today’s conditioning is wall balls and rowing. You will complete 120 wall balls then 120 calories on the rower. Your score is the time it takes to complete the 240 reps or the number of reps completed under the 15-minute time cap.

The wall ball should be light. Aim to complete at least sets of 15 reps with short breaks. Adjust the weight accordingly. If you think the calories will eat up a lot of time, choose a lighter ball so you can move through the wall balls quicker and have more time to work on the rower.

Thursday 2021.04.15


3 Sets

  • Max strict pull ups
  • Row or bike at an easy pace for 2:00 between sets


Today’s strength is strict pull ups. You will complete 3 sets of as many reps as possible. In between your sets you will row or bike at an easy pace. Don’t waste time between the machine and the next set of pull ups. Hop right on the pull up bar after your 2-minutes is up.

You may substitute ring rows if you do not yet have strict pull ups. You may also perform 1-3 pull ups, then max ring rows if you only have a few strict pull ups.


6 Rounds

  • :20 of push ups
  • :10 rest


Part 2 of today’s strength is push ups. You will work for :20 and rest for :10 for 6 rounds. There is no tempo restriction on the push ups, but make sure to move through a full range of motion each rep. If you cannot maintain good body positioning for the :20 of reps, do your push ups with your hands elevated on a box.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00:

  • 12 Burpees
  • 12 Dumbbell Snatch
  • 40 Double Unders

Rest 1:00 after each round


Today’s conditioning is 20-minutes of burpees, dumbbell snatches, and double unders. You will complete a full round, then rest 1-minute before beginning the next round. This means you can push the pace slightly more than if it were 20-minutes of continuous work. Your score is the number of rounds and reps completed.

The burpees should take no longer than 1-minute to complete. Adjust the number accordingly.

The dumbbell snatches should be at a moderate weight that allows you to complete the 12 reps in under :45. It should be a little heavier than your weight for Open workout 21.2.

The double unders should take no longer than :30 to complete. Adjust the number or substitute single unders.