Mar 4, 2020
1a) Push Press @ 20X2
1b) Horizontal Ring Row @ 20X1
Strength Notes
Today’s strength is push press and ring rows. You will alternate between the two for 4 working sets.
Each rep of the push press will be performed with a :02 pause overhead and :02 negative. You will build in weight across the four sets, aiming for 6 reps each set. If you fall off the tempo after rep 4, you have found your heavy set for the day. Ensure your first working set is no more than 20% less than your final working set.
The ring rows will be performed with a :01 pause against the ribs and a :02 negative. Aim for 7 reps each set. If you can’t get at least 5 at the angle you’ve chosen, perform them from a slightly easier angle.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 14:00:
- 6 Strict Pull Ups
- 9 Push Ups
- 12 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
Conditioning Notes
Today’s conditioning is a time priority consisting of three exercises. We are looking for you to complete 7 or more rounds today.
The strict pull ups should take you no longer than :30 each round. Perform ring rows or use a band if needed.
The push ups should be unbroken. Elevate your hands in order to accomplish this.
The kettlebell is on the heavier side today but you should still be able to complete all 12 reps unbroken across multiple rounds.
Mar 3, 2020
Every minute on the minute for 24:00:
- Minute 1: 8 Squat Cleans (you choose weight)
- Minute 2: 12 Dumbbell Box Step Ups (50/35, 24″/20″)
- Minute 3: 15 Toes to Bar
- Minute 4: 12/9 Calories
Conditioning Notes
Today’s conditioning consists of 4 stations. You will rotate to a new station at the top of each minute until you have completed each station 6 times.
The squat cleans should be at a weight that allows you to complete one rep every :05. Adjust the weight accordingly.
The step ups will be performed with one dumbbell. You may hold the dumbbell however you like. They should be a relatively light weight.
The toes to bar should be completed in 2-3 sets at the most. You may perform knee raises in order to accomplish this.
The calories should be completed at a sustainable pace in around :40. You want time to transition to the next station. Adjust the numbe accordingly.
0730 Endurance
20 Minutes:
- :30 Row @ 2k+:01
- :30 Row @ easy pace
Today’s endurance is a 20 minute continuous row. The first :30 should be at a fast pace. The easy interval should allow you to feel recovered by the start of the next fast interval.
Mar 2, 2020
1a) Alternating Kettlebell Z-Press @ 20X1
1b) V-Up
Strength Notes
Today’s strength is kettlebell z-press and v-ups. You will alternate between the two exercises for 3 working sets.
The kettlebell z-press will be performed with a :01 pause overhead and :02 negative. You will alternate arms each rep and the non-working arm will remain in a front rack. Choose a weight that is challenging but allows you to complete all 10 unbroken.
The v-ups are meant to be performed unbroken. Adjust to tuck-ups if needed.
3 Rounds
Complete as many rounds as possible in 3:00:
- 30 Double Unders
- 12 Double Kettlebell Deadlifts (70/53)
- 6 Burpee Pull Ups
Rest 3:00
Conditioning Notes
Today’s conditioning is 3 time priority intervals with 3:00 rest between. Your goal is to stay consistent across all 3 rounds.
The double unders are meant to be performed unbroken and quickly. Adjust the number or perform single unders to keep each set under :20.
The double kettlebell deadlifts should be performed unbroken and should never feel heavy. Adjust the weight accordingly.
The burpee pull ups are to be performed under a pull up bar that is 6″ above your reach. If you cannot jump into a pull up from that distance, use a lower pull up bar, or perform a burpee then a jumping pull up from a box.
Mar 1, 2020
Overhead Squat
- Build to a heavy single with a :03 descent and :03 pause in the bottom
Overhead Reverse Lunge
- Build to a heavy 1 per leg, each with a :03 negative and light touch of the knee on the ground
Strength Notes
Today’s strength is our test for March’s movement of the month. You will perform either an overhead squat or an overhead reverse lunge.
If you have the prerequisite mobility to safely perform an overhead squat, you will test a heavy single with a :03 descent and :03 pause in the bottom. Throughout your warm up sets, practice performing a behind the neck push jerk to get the bar overhead, then hold true to the tempo, even at light weights. Focus on good shoulder mechanics, keeping the bar directly over the crown of your head, shoulders externally rotated, and elbows locked out. Always squat as low as you safely can.
The overhead reverse lunge is the test for those who do not yet have the mobility to perform an overhead squat safely. This movement will allow you to focus on the same overhead mechanics discussed above. As you are descending in the lunge, maintain a good lockout and the bar directly over the crown of your head. Stick to the slow descent and if you are unable to softly touch the knee to the ground, the weight is too heavy.
With a partner, alternate full rounds, and complete 4 rounds each:
- 12/9 Calories
- 10m Seesaw Walking Lunge (50/35)
- 18 Wall Balls
20:00 time cap
Conditioning Notes
Today’s workout is a task priority to be done with a partner. This workout has a 20 minute time cap.
The calories should take no more than :40 each round. Adjust the number accordingly.
The lunge should be unbroken each round and you will switch the arm that is overhead each round. Adjust the weight to ensure you can maintain a good lockout and a soft touch of the knee every step of the lunge.
The wall balls should also be performed unbroken. Adjust the weight accordingly.
0730 Endurance
30 Minutes:
- 400m Row @ RPE 7
- 200m Row @ easy pace
Today’s endurance is a 30 minute continuous row. The 400m interval should be done at a perceived exertion of 70%. If you have a 2k time trial, this may be somewhere around 2k+:05-10. The 200m interval should be easy and allow you to feel recovered by the start of the next 400m interval.
Mar 1, 2020
Programming Updates
Movement of the Month
Tempo Overhead Squat
March’s movement of the month is the overhead squat. The overhead squat is the ultimate test of strength, stability, and mobility. We are offering two tests this month. They are the following:
- Heavy overhead squat with a:03 descent and :03 pause in the bottom
- Heavy overhead reverse lunge (1/leg)
- This test is for those who may have mobility restrictions that prohibit them from safely performing an overhead squat.
Throughout the month we will be developing our overhead squat through specific warm up drills, strength exercises, and conditioning elements that target overhead positioning and squat mechanics.
Warm Ups
- Shoulder and thoracic spine mobility through active and dynamic stretches
- Developing a stronger lockout through scapular strengthening and control exercises, and unilateral loading exercises.
- Continuing to develop our push ups and pull ups for general shoulder health and strength
- For those performing the pause overhead squat test, you will be working through a simple linear progression that begins with slow tempos and long pauses, moves towards quicker tempos and shorter pauses. In other words, the loading you will use during your strength work will go from light to heavy as we move through the month.
- For those who performed the overhead reverse lunge test, you will focus on developing your overhead positioning through a combination of targeted mobility work and overhead strength exercises.
- Overhead squats will appear in conditioning workouts throughout the month and will gradually increase in volume. Intensity drives adaptation and we are looking to introduce intensity in a safe and controlled manner.
Secondary Strength Focus
Back Squat
- Once per week.
- Every session will allow you to adjust based on how you feel that day through RPE prescriptions.
- We will build off the foundation we developed last month. The sessions this month will be less volume and time under tension, but heavier.
Push Press
- Once per week
- Building off our strict press work from February.
- We are looking to develop upper body strength and a stronger lockout. All reps will have a prescribed pause overhead. This will complement our overhead squat work.
Microcycle Preview
- Monday: overhead squat test
- Tuesday: upperbody strength
- Wednesday: long emom
- Thursday: push press
- Friday: back squat
- Saturday: team workout