Week of 2020.01.13 Preview
Microcycle Preview
- Monday: bench press
- Tuesday: turkish get up
- Wednesday: clean
- Thursday: gymnastics strength
- Friday: front squat
- Saturday: team workout
Microcycle Preview
Working in a team of 3, at 0:00, complete:
At 18:00, complete:
Conditioning Notes
Today’s workout consists of two task priority intervals to be completed in a team of 3. Both follow the same format. One person will always be on a machine and the other two partners will be chipping away at the step ups or power snatches.
During the row, each team member will row 3 times. If your best 2000m time trial time is faster than 8:00, you will row 500m. If your best 2000m time trial is slower than 8:00, you will row 400m.
The step ups will be completed with one dumbbell and you may hold it however you choose. Make sure that you can reach full extension of the knees and hips without any assistance from the other leg with whatever weight you choose.
Each team member will ride the bike 3 times. The calories on the bike should take no longer than 2:00 each interval.
The power cleans should be at a weight that allows you to perform very quick singles or small touch-and-go sets.
Every 1:30 for 10 rounds:
Build by feel.
Strength Notes
Today’s strength is positional work for cleans. Your coach will lead you through a thorough clean warm up and then guide you through the complex. You will be building across the 10 rounds, so it should not take long to get to a starting weight. You may add weight each round, and build as high as you can maintain perfect positioning. The slow clean pull is meant to serve as practice hitting positions 3, 2, 1, and extension. Focus on your foot work and a vertical drive during the power clean. Ensure you land with your feet in your squat position. The clean will be performed with a full squat. Focus on a vertical drive and hit full depth on your squat every time.
Every minute on the minute for 15:00:
Conditioning Notes
Today’s workout consists of several time priority intervals. Choose a sandbag that allows you to complete one rep every :05-:06. You should be able to get it to the shoulder and show full extension of the knee and hip. The sandbag must pass directly over your shoulder while you are standing tall. Choose a set of dumbbells that allows you to lunge continuously for :40. This will be close to 20 total steps.
1a) Sandbag Chest Hold
1b) Weighted Sit Ups
Strength Notes
Today’s strength consists of 2 exercises between which you will alternate for 3 working sets. Choose a sandbag that is very challenging, but with which you can stand up straight with good posture for the whole minute. For the weighted sit ups, hold a dumbbell behind your neck and anchor your feet. Choose a weight that is challenging, but doesn’t require you to take any breaks laying with your back on the ground during the set of 15.
At 0:00, for time:
At 8:00, for time:
9:00 time cap each workout
Conditioning Notes
Today’s workout consists of two task priority intervals. Choose a weight on the strict press that you can do 15 unbroken with and not reach failure. The ring rows during the break should be challenging, but also not near failure. We recommend you break this up into big, but manageable sets and avoid going close to failure on any set.
You should be able to complete at least 10 reps of strict pull ups unbroken, and not be near failure. If that number brings you too close to failure, use a band for assistance. The ring dips should be challenging, but also not near failure. Some adjustments for ring dips include, lowering the number of reps, performing stationary dips, or regular push ups. We recommend you break this up into big, but manageable sets and avoid going close to failure on any set.
With a partner, alternating every 4 rounds, complete 3 sets each:
Conditioning Notes
Today’s conditioning is a task priority to be done with a partner. Partner 1 will complete 4 rounds of 12 wall balls and 4 power cleans, then once four rounds have been completed, partner 2 will begin 4 rounds. Continue until both partners have completed 3 sets each. The wall balls should always be done unbroken. Choose a weight that allows you to do this. The power cleans should be challenging but done at a pace of 1 rep every :05. We are looking for each set of 4 rounds to take 4:00 or less.