Monday 2020.01.27


1a) Bench Press

  • build to a heavy 1 rep with a pause on the chest

1b) Weighted Pull Up

  • build to a heavy 3 rep

Strength Notes

Today’s strength consists of two exercises between which you will alternate as you build in weight.

Every rep of the bench press will be performed with a pause on the chest. At very light weights, perform up to 5 reps to get warm. As you get closer to moderate to heavy weights, perform 1 rep at a time and be sure to rest a minute or two between sets.

For the weighted pull up, ensure that there is no swinging or kipping involved. Focus on reaching a dead-hang at the bottom and pulling as deep as you can with a straight body. If you do not yet have strict pull ups, perform 3 reps of a pull up negative, lowering yourself as slowly as possible.


Complete 4 rounds for time:

  • 8 Strict Handstand Push Ups
  • 12 Box Jump Overs (clear box)
  • 16 Dumbbell Snatch (50/70)

13:00 time cap

Conditioning Notes

Today’s workout is a task priority consisting of 3 exercises. There is a 13:00 time cap on this workout.

The strict handstand push ups should be completed in 1 or 2 sets. You may lower the number of reps to 5, perform box handstand push ups, or regular push ups,

During the box jump overs you may not touch the box. You must jump entirely over the box. Choose a height that allows you to move consistently on these. If you are hesitating before you jump, the box is too high.

The dumbbell snatches should be challenging but should not take longer than 1:00. Adjust the weight to one that allows you to complete the reps under that time domain each round.

Week of 2020.01.27 Preview

Programming Note

Remember, January’s movement of the month was the clean. We will be retesting on Tuesday!

Microcycle Preview

  • Monday: bench press
  • Tuesday: clean retest
  • Wednesday: team workout
  • Thursday: strongman
  • Friday: front squat
  • Saturday: team workout


Saturday 2020.01.25


With a partner, complete for time:

  • Run the loop with 1 seabag
  • 100 Burpees over the seabag
  • 100/70 Calorie Bike
  • 200 Wall Balls

36:00 time cap

Conditioning Notes

Today’s workout is a task priority to be completed with a partner. There is a 36:00 time cap on this workout.

The run should take no longer than 15:00. You may alternate holding the sea bag whenever you choose. Adjust the distance as needed.

The burpees should take no longer than 6:00. You may switch whenever you choose. Adjust the number as needed.

The calories should take no longer than 5:00. You may switch whenever you choose. Adjust the number as needed.

Choose a weight on the wall balls that allows you to complete five sets of 20 reps unbroken. You may switch whenever you choose, but use the 20 rep rule as your guide when choosing your weight.

Friday 2020.01.24


Every 1:15 for 10 rounds:

  • :04 Clean Lift Off + :02 pause at position 2 + clean from pause

Build by feel.

Strength Notes

Today’s strength is cleans. Click here for a demo video. The clean lift off will be performed at a :04 tempo. Focus on staying balanced throughout your feet while getting those knees back out of the way. During the :02 pause at position 2, keep your shoulders out over the bar and feel the tension in your posterior chain. Don’t allow your knees to come forward. When you finally complete the clean from the pause, think about driving straight up and get tall in your position of extension. Every clean will be performed with a full squat.


For Time:

  • 24/18 Calories
  • 24 Power Cleans (135/95)
  • 24/18 Calories
  • 24 Shoulder to Over Head (135/95)
  • 24/18 Calories
  • 24 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
  • 24/18 Calories

20:00 time cap

Conditioning Notes

Today’s workout is a task priority consisting of 4 exercises. There is an 18:00 time cap on this workout.

The calories should be completed in no longer than 1:30 each round. Adjust the number as needed.

The weight on the barbell will be determined by your weakest movement. The power cleans should be completed in small touch and go sets. The shoulder to overhead should be completed in at least sets of 6 reps at a time. The clean and jerks should be completed in very quick singles. Adjust the weight based off these parameters.

Thursday 2020.01.23


Complete 4 rounds, not for time:

  • 15 Weighted Sit Ups
  • 10 Horizontal Ring Rows
  • 10 Ring Dips

Strength Notes

Today’s strength consists of 3 exercises between which you will alternate for 4 rounds. This is not to be completed for time. Rest about :30-1:00 between exercises.

For the weighted sit ups, anchor your feet under the plate trees or have a partner help you out. You will hold a dumbbell behind your neck and perform the sit ups, laying all the way back and sitting up to a vertical torso. Choose a weight that allows you to complete all 15 reps without stopping.

The horizontal ring rows may be completed with your feet elevated on a box. If you cannot complete all reps with a full range of motion, step back and set your body at an angle that allows you to do so.


10 Rounds for time:

  • 1 Legless Rope Climb
  • 200m Run

20:00 minute time cap

Conditioning Notes

Today’s workout is a task priority with a 20:00 time cap.

The legless rope climbs may be adjusted to a lower height, or regular rope climbs. If you are going to adjust the height, choose a target before the workout begins and keep it consistent throughout. This means that the target should not feel difficult for at least 5 rounds. You may adjust the rope climbs to a climb with legs. You may also substitute a drill practicing your foot-lock or a strength building exercise such as knee raises.

The runs should be completed in about 1:00. Adjust the distance as needed.