Monday 2016.01.25
5 sets:
3 Strict Press (build to 3RM)
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
For time:
- 1,000m Row
- 50 Thrusters (45)
- 30 Pull Ups
5 sets:
3 Strict Press (build to 3RM)
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
For time:
We are canceling class at 0600 tomorrow (Monday, 1/25). Regular schedule otherwise!
Due to snow and current predictions, we will be CLOSED through Sunday morning. That means no 1630 or 1730 on Friday evening and no Saturday classes.
Provided the snow stops and roads are clear, we will be open at 1100 on Sunday.
Stay warm, stay safe, and have fun if you go out and play in the snow!
Winter Weather Update: 1130, 1630, and 1730 classes are canceled. We will have 0600 and 0900 classes as scheduled. Stay tuned for updates on Saturday classes.
15 minutes to establish a heavy complex of:
Power Clean + 2 Clean + Push Jerk
In 8 minutes, establish a 6RM front squat from the floor and complete as many burpees over the bar as possible.
You may complete the burpees at any time throughout the 8 minutes and you may make as many attempts at the 6RM as you would like.
Score is total pounds lifted + burpees completed.
2 minutes per side: pigeon pose (from box or floor)
5 sets:
4-6 Deadlift @21X1
Rest 0:30
10-12 Dumbbell or Kettlebell Row (heavy)
Rest 2:00
Every minute, on the minute, for as long as possible:
Stop at 20:00.
2 minute front rack stretch with PVC