Jun 9, 2015
Darkside throwback: two years ago
Fitness: Back Squat 3×5 LP
Performance: Back Squat, work to a 3RM with a one second pause at bottom during first rep only. Then two drop sets at 90% with no pauses.
4 Rounds:
- 200m Run
- 40 Double Unders
- 10 Jump Squats (performance use dumbbells 25/15)
Rest 2 minutes
Jun 8, 2015
Congratulations to the soldiers who completed the Solidarity Prep Course, you all did an awesome job!
1) Fitness: Every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 8 minutes, one full snatch or hang snatch. Start light and work up in weight. If form degrades then drop weight back down.
Performance: EMOM for 8 minutes one snatch with a one second pause in catch, start at 70% and work up.
2a) Fitness: Bench Press, 3×5 Linear Progression
Performance: Bench Press, 3RM, then two drop sets at 90%
2b) Pendlay Row, 3x 10 /w pause at chest – AHAP
Optional Independent Work:
3a) 3x 50m Overhead Axle Bar Carry – AHAP
3b) 3x 10 Behind the Neck Weighted Situps – AHAP
Jun 7, 2015
Fitness: Deadlift, every minute on the minute for 8 minutes, one deadlift at new linear progression weight.
Performance: Deadlift, every minute on the minute, work up.
Row 3 x 1,000m— the goal is to hold the same pace (shoot for your 2k pace) each piece or go slightly faster each time (negative splits).
Rest for 3 to 5 minutes in between pieces.
Compare to 2015.02.13
Jun 5, 2015
0845 Weightlifting
1) Snatch, 40%/3, 50%/3, 60%/2, 70%/2, 75%/2, 80%/1, then max with one miss allowed.
2) Jerk, 1RM Paused 3 seconds in dip and catch, then 80% for two (singles) not paused.
1000 CrossFit
Teams of 3, OPWAAT, for time:
- 100 Calorie Row
- 75 Ring Dips (scale hand release push ups)
- 75 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
- 100 Burpees (5 burpee minimum before alternating)
- 75 Kettlebell Swings
- 75 Ring Dips
- 100 Calorie Row
Jun 4, 2015
Fitness: Back Squat, 3×5 Linear Progression
Performance: Back Squat , work to a 5RM with a one second pause at bottom during first rep only. Then two drop sets at 90% with no pauses.
4 Rounds:
- 200m Sprint
- 10 Toes to Bar
- 10 Box Jumps (30/24)
Rest 1 Minute