Solidarity Team Series Week 2: Events 3, 4, & 5

For those not doing the Team Series, you can still come in and do the workout. For the full workout description see the 2017 Team Series page.

Events 3, 4, and 5

On a 20:00 running clock counting up complete:

0:00 – 14:00 (Event 3)

Buy In:

  • Assault Bike Relay (20 male/10 female)

Then, as many rounds as possible:

  • 20 Synchronized Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (sum of 4 dumbbells must total 180#, synchro locked out overhead)
  • 15 Synchronized Wall Ball Relay (30/20/14/14 -OR- 30/20/20/10, 10’ target for males/9’ for females’, synchro below parallel)

Each full round is worth 50 points.

14:00-16:00 Rest

16:00 – 18:00 (Event 4)

  • 16:00-16:30: Athlete #1 completes Max Effort Gymnastics Movement
  • 16:30-17:00: Athlete #2 completes Max Effort Gymnastics Movement
  • 17:00-17:30: Athlete #3 completes Max Effort Gymnastics Movement
  • 17:30-18:00: Athlete #4 completes Max Effort Gymnastics Movement

Gymnastics movement options, choose ONE:

  • Jumping Pull Up – 1.5 point
  • Pull Up – 2.5 points
  • Chest to Bar Pull Up – 4 points
  • Bar Muscle Up – 10 points
  • Ring Muscle Up – 14 points

Athletes may not change movements during the 0:30 time period.

18:00 – 20:00 (Event 5)

Max Synchro High-Five Burpees (all team members working, synchro in air for high five)

Workout Description

Prior to the start of the workout, athlete #1 will be sitting on the Assault Bike. At the call fo 3, 2, 1, go…! Athlete #1 will begin working on the prescribed number of calories. Athlete #1 will remain seated on the bike until the monitor reads the prescribed number of calories, after which he/she may step off the bike and athlete #2 will sit on the bike, reset the monitor, and begin working on the prescribed number of calories. This pattern continues until all athletes have completed 1 set of their prescribed number of calories.

Once all athletes have finished their calories on the Assault Bike, they will begin working on the AMRAP. All athletes will complete 20 synchronized alternating dumbbell snatches. After all 20 reps are completed, athlete #1 and athlete #2 may begin on the synchronized wall balls. After they complete 15 reps, athlete #3 and athlete #4 may begin working on their 15 synchronized wall balls. This pattern continues until the clock reaches 14:00, at which point the team has two minutes to rest. Your score for this event is the total number of reps completed in the AMRAP.

Event 4 begins at 16:00 with athlete #1 performing as many muscle ups, bar muscle ups, chest to bar pull ups, pull ups, or jumping pull ups as possible in 30 seconds. At 16:30, athlete 1 stops working and athlete 2 begins to perform as many muscle ups, bar muscle ups, chest to bar pull ups, pull ups, or jumping pull ups as possible. This pattern continues until all athletes have completed their 30 seconds of work. Your score for this event is the team’s cumulative total number of reps multiplied by points for chosen movement.

Event 5 begins at 18:00. With all team members working together, the team will work to accrue as many synchro high-five burpees as possible in 2 minutes. Your score for this event is the total number of burpees completed.

  • One Air Assault Bike
  • Four dumbbells, totaling 180lbs
  • Four Wall Balls
    • One 30lbs, Two 20lbs, One 10lbs OR One 30lbs, One 20lbs, Two 14lbs
  • Rings or Pull Up Station

For full workout details and movement standards, click here.