2017 Solidarity Team Series

Welcome to the Solidarity Team Series!

The Solidarity Team Series (STS) is an in-house, four-person team competition comprised of three workouts over three weeks. It is a virtual format, meaning the workouts can be done at any time you can get your team together to allow you to work around your schedule. The winning team will be determined via the original CrossFit Games system (1 point for 1st place, 2 for 2nd…lowest score wins).

The STS is designed to be appropriate for all skill levels! In fact, this is exactly what sets this competition apart: you don’t need to find a teammate, you just sign up. Then Solidarity coaching staff creates the teams via committee. Our goal in making teams is balancing the teams equally based on what we know about each athlete.

We then write the workouts so that all athletes can participate, but it is up to your team to employ your strengths effectively for the best score on each workout. This makes a really exciting and fun format!

The Schedule

A new workout will be released each Wednesday night beginning on October 4th. You have until the following Monday at 8PM to submit a score.

Registration ends September 27th at Midnight! Sign up here.

Week 1: October 4 – 9
Week 2: October 11 – 16
Week 3: October 18 – 23

Completing Workouts

The primary time for the workouts to be completed is the Saturday 1000 class. The Team Series workout will be the Saturday WOD and judges will be provided.

If a Saturday is not possible for your team, Open Gym at 0830 or 1100 Saturday or 1030 on Sunday are also available. The workouts can be done during other class times if space is available. However, workouts may not interfere with regularly scheduled classes. Please check with the coach-on-duty before a class begins as to the feasibility of working during a class and ensure there is space available. Th coach(es) on duty is not responsible for facilitating or judging your workout, you must arrange a judge yourself.

If a coach is on a team, they may open the gym during off hours to complete a workout. However, in the interest of fairness, as soon as a team knows what time they are opening the gym they must broadcast this info to all teams via the private SCF facebook group so that other teams may also utilize this time.

The Teams 

Team 1
Joe Sacco
Amy N.
Alex Adkins
Team 2
Chris M.
Team 3
Team 4
Lisa Beach
John G.
Nate J.
Matt Smith
Team 5
Becky T.
Kara T.
Team 6
Matt Yancey
Michael M.
Team 7
Matthew Ross
Team 8
Team 9
Team 10
Steve A.
Andy K.
Thomas W.
Team 11
Mark M.
Team 12
Justin S.
Team 13
Nate Silver
Christy P.
Tom Henry
Team 14
Team 15
Brian Hunt
Alex Oliver


Every event must be judged! Please use the scorecard below. Judges will be arranged on Saturday as part of the day’s workout. It is the team’s responsibility to secure a judge at other times.

A judge can be any Solidarity CrossFit member who is willing to uphold movement standards. Be honest, this is for the most part on honor system. Judges help ensure correct rep counts and to remind people of accidental lapses in range of motion.

  1. Week 1- Event 1 & 2 Scorecard
  2. Week 2 – Events 3, 4, and 5 Scorecard
  3. Week 3 – Events 6 & 7 Scorecard

Scorecards should be left at the gym.

Score Submittal

Scores must be submitted to the online tracker below by 8PM on the Monday following the workouts release.

>Submit scores here<


Leaderboard now live!

FAQ – all questions submitted to info@solidaritycrossfit.com will be answered and posted here.

Who can be a judge?

A judge can be any Solidarity CrossFit member who is willing to uphold movement standards. Be honest, this is an honor system. Judges help ensure correct rep counts and to remind people of accidental lapses in range of motion.For Event 3, are these hang power snatch, or is a squat required?


Event 1

On a clock counting up to 6:00

0:00 – 1:30 Athlete 1:

  • Row 300m/200m
  • Max Front Squats

1:30 – 3:00 Athlete 2:

  • Row 300m/200m
  • Max Front Squats

3:00 – 4:30 Athlete 3:

  • Row 300m/200m
  • Max Front Squats

4:30 – 6:00 Athlete 4:

  • Row 300m/200m
  • Max Front Squats
Workout Description

Prior to the start of the workout, each team will start with a one rower and one preloaded barbell to the load of athlete 1’s choice. At the start of the workout, athlete 1 will row the required number of meters based on the athlete’s sex. The athlete will stay seated on the rower until the monitor reads the required number of meters. The athlete will then have the remainder of the time to complete as many front squats as possible at a load of their choosing. During this time, athlete 2 may set up on the rower, making sure to reset the monitor. At the end of the athlete’s 1:30, athlete 1 must stop working and athlete 2 may begin rowing. During this time, the other teammates can load the barbell to athlete 2’s desired load. The load on the barbell must increase or remain the same each round. The load on the barbell may never decrease. This process repeats until each team member has completed their 90 seconds of work. Your team’s score will be the total of each individual’s reps multiplied by the load.

  • Concept 2 Rower
  • One 20kg Barbell (you may not use a 15kg barbell)
  • Plates to load your front squat (smaller than 2.5lbs may not be used)
  • Collars (required)

For each workout, be sure the athlete has adequate space to safely complete all the movements. Clear the area of all extra equipment, people or other obstructions.


Team’s Score = (Load x Reps) + (Load x Reps) + (Load x Reps) + (Load x Reps)


Males will row for 300 meters.

Females will row for 200 meters.

Athletes may begin seated on the monitor and must remain seated until the required number of meters is shown on the monitor. For example, if a male unstraps his feet before the monitor reads “300 meters” he will be required to sit on the rower for an additional 10 seconds.

Front Squats

The movement begins with the bar held in a front rack position and the athlete standing to full extension, with knees and hips fully extended. The athlete then descends until the hip crease is below the top of the knee and stands to full extension. The rep is counted once full extension of the knees and hips is achieved and the barbell remains in the front rack position. A squat clean is acceptable as your first rep

Important Details
  • Athletes must remain seated on the rower until the required number of meters is read on the monitor.
  • A 10 second penalty delay will be administered to any athlete who does not follow this rule.
  • The monitor must be reset before the next athlete begins rowing.
  • Males will row 300 meters. Females will row 200 meters.
  • Athletes may determine the load of the barbell.
  • The load on the barbell must remain the same or increase after each 1:00 round.
  • Team members will load the barbell to the athlete’s desired load while that athlete is rowing.

Event 2

For total time:

Athlete 1 and athlete 2 complete 2 rounds for time:

  • 400m Run
  • 20 Synchronized Burpee Seabag over Box

Then, athlete 3 and athlete 4 complete 2 rounds for time:

  • 400m Run
  • 20 Synchronized Burpee Seabag over Box
Workout Description

Prior to the start of the workout, athlete 1 and athlete 2 begin standing behind Solidarity’s run start line. At the start of the workout both athletes run 400 meters together. After completing the 400m run, both athletes begin working on 20 synchronized burpee seabag over box reps. After 20 reps are completed, both athletes begin the second round. This pattern continues until 2 rounds are completed.

After 2 rounds are completed, athlete 1 slaps athlete 3’s hand and athlete 2 slaps athlete 4’s hand, and athlete 3 and athlete 4 begin working on 2 rounds of the same workout. Team time is recorded when the second pair completes the 20th synchronized burpee seabag over box during the 3rd round and both athletes are standing on the ground.

  • One 60lbs seabag (for pairs of males or mixed pairs)
  • One 40lbs seabag (only for pairs of females)
  • A row of FOUR  30” boxes

The total time for both pairs.

Movement Standards


The run must be done on Solidarity CrossFit’s 400m course. The run starts behind the designated start line in the parking lot. Both athletes must step over the mark reading “200m” at the top of the hill with both feet, turn around and run back to the gym making sure to go the long way around the bush and in the door.

Synchronized Burpee Seabag over the Box

The movement begins with both athletes touching their chests and thighs to the ground at the same time and finishes when both athletes and the seabag are on the ground on the other side of the box. Every part of the athlete’s bodies and the entire seabag must travel over the top of the boxes. You may use your hands to get over the box. There is no extension requirement.

A demo video can be seen here. All of the reps shown are good reps.

Important Details
  • Athlete 1 and athlete 2 may begin outside standing behind Solidarity CrossFit’s starting line.
  • Both pairs of athletes will use a 30” box.
  • Any pair of athletes with at least one male must use a 60lbs seabag.
  • When both athletes in a pair are female they will use a 40lbs seabag.
  • Athlete 1 must slap athlete 3’s hand and athlete 2 must slap athlete 4’s hand before the second pair may begin their 2 rounds.
  • Time stops when both athletes and the seabag are on the ground after their 20th rep of the third round.

Events 3, 4, and 5

On a 20:00 running clock counting up complete:

0:00 – 14:00 (Event 3)

Buy In:

  • Assault Bike Relay (20 male/10 female)

Then, as many rounds as possible:

  • 20 Synchronized Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (sum of 4 dumbbells must total 180#, synchro locked out overhead)
  • 15 Synchronized Wall Ball Relay (30/20/14/14 -OR- 30/20/20/10, 10’ target for males/9’ for females’, synchro below parallel)

Each full round is worth 50 points.

14:00-16:00 Rest

16:00 – 18:00 (Event 4)

  • 16:00-16:30: Athlete #1 completes Max Effort Gymnastics Movement
  • 16:30-17:00: Athlete #2 completes Max Effort Gymnastics Movement
  • 17:00-17:30: Athlete #3 completes Max Effort Gymnastics Movement
  • 17:30-18:00: Athlete #4 completes Max Effort Gymnastics Movement

Gymnastics movement options, choose ONE:

  • Jumping Pull Up – 1.5 point
  • Pull Up – 2.5 points
  • Chest to Bar Pull Up – 4 points
  • Bar Muscle Up – 10 points
  • Ring Muscle Up – 14 points

Athletes may not change movements during the 0:30 time period.

18:00 – 20:00 (Event 5)

Max Synchro High-Five Burpees (all team members working, synchro in air for high five)

Workout Description

Prior to the start of the workout, athlete #1 will be sitting on the Assault Bike. At the call fo 3, 2, 1, go…! Athlete #1 will begin working on the prescribed number of calories. Athlete #1 will remain seated on the bike until the monitor reads the prescribed number of calories, after which he/she may step off the bike and athlete #2 will sit on the bike, reset the monitor, and begin working on the prescribed number of calories. This pattern continues until all athletes have completed 1 set of their prescribed number of calories.

Once all athletes have finished their calories on the Assault Bike, they will begin working on the AMRAP. All athletes will complete 20 synchronized alternating dumbbell snatches. After all 20 reps are completed, athlete #1 and athlete #2 may begin on the synchronized wall balls. After they complete 15 reps, athlete #3 and athlete #4 may begin working on their 15 synchronized wall balls. This pattern continues until the clock reaches 14:00, at which point the team has two minutes to rest. Your score for this event is the total number of reps completed in the AMRAP.

Event 4 begins at 16:00 with athlete #1 performing as many muscle ups, bar muscle ups, chest to bar pull ups, pull ups, or jumping pull ups as possible in 30 seconds. At 16:30, athlete 1 stops working and athlete 2 begins to perform as many muscle ups, bar muscle ups, chest to bar pull ups, pull ups, or jumping pull ups as possible. This pattern continues until all athletes have completed their 30 seconds of work. Your score for this event is the team’s cumulative total number of reps multiplied by points for chosen movement.

Event 5 begins at 18:00. With all team members working together, the team will work to accrue as many synchro high-five burpees as possible in 2 minutes. Your score for this event is the total number of burpees completed.

  • One Air Assault Bike
  • Four dumbbells, totaling 180lbs
  • Four Wall Balls
    • One 30lbs, Two 20lbs, One 10lbs OR One 30lbs, One 20lbs, Two 14lbs
  • Rings or Pull Up Station

For full workout details and movement standards, click here.

Week 3: Events 6 & 7

Events 6 and 7 are completed on a continuously running clock.

Event 6

At 0:00, athletes 1 and 2 complete:

  • 10 Syncrhonized Deadlifts*
  • 10 Synchronized Burpee Box Jump Overs
  • 20 Synchronized Deadlifts
  • 20 Synchronized Burpee Box Jump Overs

Immediately after athletes 1 and 2 finish, athletes 3 and 4 complete:

  • 30 Synchronized Deadlifts
  • 30 Synchronized Burpee Box Jump Overs

*Your team’s barbells must total 620lbs.

Judge records  time on clock when team finishes event 6 but the clock continues to run.

Event 7

Immediately after completing event 6, event 7 begins.

Athlete 1 will complete:

  • 21 Dumbbell Thrusters (35/25)*
  • 3 Rope Climbs
  • 15 Dumbbell Thrusters
  • 2 Rope Climbs
  • 9 Dumbell Thrusters
  • 1 Rope Climb

Immediately after athlete 1 finishes, athlete 2 will complete:

  • 21 Dumbbell Thrusters (35/25)*
  • 50 Double Unders or 125 Single Unders
  • 15 Dumbbell Thrusters
  • 50 Double Unders or 125 Single Unders
  • 9 Dumbell Thrusters
  • 50 Double Unders or 125 Single Unders

Immediately after athlete 2 finishes, athlete 3 will complete:

  • 21 Dumbbell Thrusters (35/25)*
  • 4 Wall Walks
  • 15 Dumbbell Thrusters
  • 3 Wall Walks
  • 9 Dumbell Thrusters
  • 2 Wall Walks

Immediately after athlete 3 finishes, athlete 4 will complete:

  • 21 Dumbbell Thrusters (35/25)*
  • 3 x 10m Shuttle Run (60m total)
  • 15 Dumbbell Thrusters
  • 2 x 10m Shuttle Run (40m total)
  • 9 Dumbell Thrusters
  • 10m Shuttle Run (20m Total)

*You may substitute a pair of dumbbells that is 5lbs lighter in each hand if and only if another team member substitutes a pair of dumbbells that is 5lbs higher. In other words, a male may use a pair of 30lbs dumbbells if a male teammate uses a pair of 40lbs dumbbells OR a female teammate uses a pair of 30lbs dumbbells. A female may use a pair of 20lbs dumbbells if a male teammate uses a pair of 40lbs dumbbells OR a female team mate uses a pair of 30lbs dumbbells. No male may use lighter than 30 pound pair and no female may use lighter than a 20 pound pair. Males can use up to a 50 pound pair (if they took 5 from each teammate) and females can use up to a 40 pound pair (if they took 5 from each teammate).


Event 6 score is the time to complete as 60 reps of each exercise in the specified order.

Event 7 score is the time to complete the relay in the specified order.

Workout Description

Events 6 and 7 are completed on a continuously running clock.

Event 6 begins with athletes 1 and 2 each standing by a preloaded barbell. At the call of “3, 2, 1, go…!” athletes 1 and 2 will complete 10 synchronized deadlifts, followed by 10 synchronized burpee box jump overs. Both athletes will then return to the barbell for 20 synchronized deadlifts, followed by 20 synchronized burpee box jump overs. During the 20 synchronized burpee box jump overs, athletes 3 and 4 may change the weight on the barbell. At the completion of the last burpee box jump overs, all athletes will slap hands and athletes 3 and 4 will begin their 30 synchronized deadlifts followed by 30 synchronized burpee box jump overs. At the completion of the last synchronized burpee box jump over, time is taken and event 7 begins.

Athlete 1 begins event 7 and will complete:

  • 21 Dumbbell Thrusters
  • 3 Rope Climbs
  • 15 Dumbbell Thrusters
  • 2 Rope Climbs
  • 9 Dumbell Thrusters
  • 1 Rope Climb

Athlete 1 will then slap athlete 2’s hand and athlete 2 will complete:

  • 21 Dumbbell Thrusters
  • 50 Double Unders or 125 Single Unders
  • 15 Dumbbell Thrusters
  • 50 Double Unders or 125 Single Unders
  • 9 Dumbell Thrusters
  • 50 Double Unders or 125 Single Unders

Athlete 2 will then slap athlete 3’s hand and athlete 3 will complete:

  • 21 Dumbbell Thrusters
  • 4 Wall Walks
  • 15 Dumbbell Thrusters
  • 3 Wall Walks
  • 9 Dumbell Thrusters
  • 2 Wall Walks

Athlete 3 will then slap athlete 4’s hand and athlete 4 will complete:

  • 21 Dumbbell Thrusters
  • 3 x 10m Shuttle Run
  • 15 Dumbbell Thrusters
  • 2 x 10m Shuttle Run
  • 9 Dumbell Thrusters
  • 10m Shuttle Run

At the completion of the last shuttle run, time is taken. The time taken at completion of the last shuttle run minus the time on the clock at the completion of the last synchronized burpee box jump over from event 6 is your team’s score for event 7.


  • Two 20kg Barbell (45lbs), no 15kg barbells may be used.
  • Two Boxes
    • Males will use 24”
    • Females will use 20”
  • Four pairs of dumbbells
    • Males will use 35lbs
    • Females will use 25lbs
    • *You may substitute a pair of dumbbells that is 5lbs lighter in each hand if and only if another team member substitutes a pair of dumbbells that is 5lbs higher. In other words, a male may use a pair of 30lbs dumbbells if a male teammate uses a pair of 40lbs dumbbells OR a female teammate uses a pair of 30lbs dumbbells. A female may use a pair of 20lbs dumbbells if a male teammate uses a pair of 40lbs dumbbells OR a female team mate uses a pair of 30lbs dumbbells. No male may use lighter than 30 pound pair and no female may use lighter than a 20 pound pair. Males can use up to a 50 pound pair (if they took 5 from each teammate) and females can use up to a 40 pound pair (if they took 5 from each teammate).
  • One Climbing Rope
  • One Jump Rope
  • One Wall Walk Station
  • Two Cones placed exactly 10 meters apart

Movement Standards

Synchronized Deadlift

  • A deadlift begins with the barbell on the ground and finishes when the athlete is standing at full extension of the knee and hips and the athlete’s shoulders are behind the plane of the bar.
  • The arms must be straight throughout.
  • Sumo deadlifts are not permitted.
  • Touch and go reps are permitted, however bouncing the barbell is a no rep.
  • Synchronization is achieved when both athletes are standing at full extension simultaneously.

Synchronized Burpee Box Jump Over

  • The burpee box jump over begins with the athletes facing perpendicular to the box while touching the chest and thighs to the ground and finishes with the athlete jumping over the box.
  • There is no requirement to stand tall on top of the box.
  • If any part of the body other than the feet touch the box, it is a no rep.
  • Synchronization is achieved when both athletes chests and thighs are on the ground at the same time.
  • Step ups are allowed.

Dumbbell Thruster

  • The dumbbell thruster begins with the athlete passing below parallel in a squat and finishes when the dumbbells are directly overhead with knees, hips, and elbows fully extended.
  • Both dumbbells must be directly over the athlete’s ankles for the rep to count. Any position forward of that plane will be a no rep.

Rope Climb

  • The rope climb begins with the athlete on the ground and finishes when the bell is rung.
  • Jumping on to the rope is permitted.
  • The athlete must show control on the descent until the hands pass below the mark that is 9 feet from the ground. A failure to show control will result in a no rep.

Double Under

  • This is a standard double under where the rope passes completely under the athlete’s feet twice for each jump.
  • The rope must spin forward.

Single Under

  • This is a standard single under where the rope passes completely under the athlete’s feet once for each jump.
  • The rope must spin forward.

Wall Walk

  • The wall walk begins with the athlete’s chest and thighs touching the ground and finishes when the athlete’s hands are inside the pre-measured box and the athlete’s entire foot is above the pre-measured line.
  • Specifications for measurement standards can be read on page 4 in the following link.

Shuttle Run

  • The shuttle run begins with the athlete standing with both feet behind the starting cone. The athlete will run down to another cone placed 10 meters away, ensure that both feet and one hand touch the ground past the cone and then run back. The rep finishes when both feet pass the starting cone.
  • If the athlete fails to touch the ground with one hand, it is a no rep.
  • If both feet do not pass the cone, it is a no rep.
  • Down and back is 1 rep.

Important Details

  • Your team’s deadlift weight must total 620lbs.
  • You may change the weight on the barbell between athletes 1&2 and athletes 3&4.
  • Males will use a 24” box.
  • Females will use a 20” box.
  • The synchronized burpee box jump overs must be box facing.
  • Males will use 35lbs dumbbells.
  • Females will use 25lbs dumbbells.
  • You may substitute a pair of dumbbells that is 5lbs lighter in each hand if and only if another team member substitutes a pair of dumbbells that is 5lbs higher. In other words, a male may use a pair of 30lbs dumbbells if a male teammate uses a pair of 40lbs dumbbells OR a female teammate uses a pair of 30lbs dumbbells. A female may use a pair of 20lbs dumbbells if a male teammate uses a pair of 40lbs dumbbells OR a female team mate uses a pair of 30lbs dumbbells.
  • You may not switch the order of the individual relays in event 7.
  • You must ring the bell on the rope climb.
  • You must declare whether you are performing single unders or double unders prior to the start of the workout. You may not switch in the middle of the workout.
  • Specifications for measurement standards can be read on page 4 in the following link.
  • Down and Back is one rep of the shuttle run.
  • Score for event 6 is the time taken after athletes 3&4 complete the last synchronized burpee box jump over.
  • Score for event 7 is the time taken after athlete 4 completes the last shuttle run minus the time taken at the end of event 6.